Wonder if anyone can help.
Bought a MacPro 5.1. So happy.????
Started to install lots of programs, the usual stuff, but, the username was just user. And I thought of changing it. When I changed it, didn't realised that the admin feature of the user now changed to standard.
Oh boy... Was the only user on the machine.
Tried to start as a single-user mode but, it says the disk is read-only, so I can't do anything.
Besides accessing the computer via this user that doesn't allow me to do anything as it says that I don't have permissions, the only thing I can access is the single-user mode via Command+S. No Command+R or Option works to get in recovery or still try to change the startup disk as I have a pen with the highSierra Installer on it, but I can't set it up to load from the pen first.
Which options do I have?
Why there's an admin account when there's no admin account on it?
How can this be even possible?????
Had the computer for hours and managed to block it.
Nice!!!! :-(
Wonder if anyone can help.
Bought a MacPro 5.1. So happy.????
Started to install lots of programs, the usual stuff, but, the username was just user. And I thought of changing it. When I changed it, didn't realised that the admin feature of the user now changed to standard.
Oh boy... Was the only user on the machine.
Tried to start as a single-user mode but, it says the disk is read-only, so I can't do anything.
Besides accessing the computer via this user that doesn't allow me to do anything as it says that I don't have permissions, the only thing I can access is the single-user mode via Command+S. No Command+R or Option works to get in recovery or still try to change the startup disk as I have a pen with the highSierra Installer on it, but I can't set it up to load from the pen first.
Which options do I have?
Why there's an admin account when there's no admin account on it?
How can this be even possible?????
Had the computer for hours and managed to block it.
Nice!!!! :-(