I have a Mac Pro (2.8GHz Xeon (Quad-core) Harpertown A1186) and it is acting up. Before I hire a preist to do an exorcism, I figured I would post the issue here.
When I push the button:
Sometimes it will boot, sometimes it won't.
Sometimes when it does boot the white light by the switch comes on, most it does not.
Sometimes when I push the button on the front the fan runs for a few seconds and then quits and nothing...
Other times I will not hear the fan anymore and the "WALL-E" boot noise plays. & Occasionally the fan sounds like a tornado.
Sometimes after a few boot attempts I will unplug it and try again in a few hours and it will boot. (most times with no white light by the switch)
If I can get it to boot I can repair permissions and restart. When this happens, if the white light by the button was on it will be on again after the restart. If it was not on when it booted, it will not come on after a restart.
Last night, it was on (with no white light by the button) I was repairing permissions and the fan started running full blast and I noticed it had crashed.
Not sure if it is related but I noticed the white light by the button flashes for an instant when the power strip surge protector is turned on.
Any ideas anyone?
When I push the button:
Sometimes it will boot, sometimes it won't.
Sometimes when it does boot the white light by the switch comes on, most it does not.
Sometimes when I push the button on the front the fan runs for a few seconds and then quits and nothing...
Other times I will not hear the fan anymore and the "WALL-E" boot noise plays. & Occasionally the fan sounds like a tornado.
Sometimes after a few boot attempts I will unplug it and try again in a few hours and it will boot. (most times with no white light by the switch)
If I can get it to boot I can repair permissions and restart. When this happens, if the white light by the button was on it will be on again after the restart. If it was not on when it booted, it will not come on after a restart.
Last night, it was on (with no white light by the button) I was repairing permissions and the fan started running full blast and I noticed it had crashed.
Not sure if it is related but I noticed the white light by the button flashes for an instant when the power strip surge protector is turned on.
Any ideas anyone?