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Phil High

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 10, 2012
Hello... Please excuse my ignorance-- for many years I've been running a PC for music production using cubase software along with a Creative E-MU 1616m soundcard. I'm looking to buy a Mac Pro for music production. Will the Creative E-MU 1616m be compatible or would it be a little prehistoric to use with a brand new Mac Pro?:eek:

Any pointers with regards to a workable setup would be TRULY appreciated.. thank you for any time spent reading this.


Hi Phil,

I think the main thing is that Cubase performs better on Windows..I use Cubase 6.5 and have just bought a PC after reading about poor performance of this software on Mac so think about that. Also, Mac Pros haven't been updated in almost 2 years so if you really want to buy it I'd suggest to wait.

I don't know about the video card compatibility sorry.
Can't see any OS X drivers for the EMU 1616m on their site, my guess is no :(

I'm using a Focusrite Saffire (with a Mac Pro), I can recommend it :) 192kHz, -120dB SNR, 7.1 outputs, two headphone outs, 2 line ins, 2 XLR ins, MIDI in/out ports, RCA outputs, it's really pretty good!
If you really care about sound and you are moving to the Mac platform you can't get any better than Metric Halo. The only company I can claim "fan-boi" status on. Just perfect.
I use a ULN-2. More of a personal box. If you need more they offer a ULN-8 which has been known to blow away Lavry, Prism, and Apogee with ease. They are used by Audiophiles as professional playback DAC's and have the best pres on a FW interface you can buy. For consumer grade stuff maybe look at the Steinberg MR816. Heard good things for the price.
Just looked up what you were using and the stuff I listed is nowhere near that price. I have no experience with that tier of product but you would do yourself a favor to look well beyond 24bit/192 as a "quality" indicator. No pros I know use 192 as it is sterile and useless. Unless of course you make smooth-jazz.
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Hey thanks everyone! Due to your advice/ links etc I've decided to give Mac pro a miss for now.. Didn't realize the Mac pro hasn't been updated for 2 years!! Selling 2010 tech at 2012 prices--- wow that's bad!!

Cheers & peace to you all.

FWIW, I'm using a 2008 MP to run DP, Logic and PT.
It has been a great music platform.
I'm running a recording studio and this box is really reliable.
2008 tech is still slamming out the hits.
Go figure.
Exactly you don't need the most powerful computer for audio, for motion GFX yes, but audio doesn't need as much as an upgrade over the years.
I have used Mac Pro's and Cubase in my studio since the original Cubase 5 VST with a PowerPC G4, and have had no problems with the software and hardware. When my last G5 finally stopped working, I sold all my MOTU PCI gear and bought an MacBook Pro and a Mackie Onyx 1640i firewire desk, best thing I ever did! If I have mac problems, I have access to iMacs, MacBooks and Macbook Pros that I can simply plug in! Clients often bring their own macs and do the same, and I am able to record on location again.

In my opinion you don't need a Mac Pro these days to handle serious audio. Get yourself and iMac or MacBook Pro with a firewire interface.
Exactly you don't need the most powerful computer for audio, for motion GFX yes, but audio doesn't need as much as an upgrade over the years.

True, but a Mac Pro is a bit expensive for two year old tech.

I don't use Cubase (Live user here) but my base model Macbook Pro was able to handle most of what I threw at it.
FWIW, I'm using a 2008 MP to run DP, Logic and PT.
It has been a great music platform.
I'm running a recording studio and this box is really reliable.
2008 tech is still slamming out the hits.
Go figure.

Logic is made by Apple..Cubase is known to run better on Windows especially using low latencies.
Hello... Please excuse my ignorance-- for many years I've been running a PC for music production using cubase software along with a Creative E-MU 1616m soundcard. I'm looking to buy a Mac Pro for music production. Will the Creative E-MU 1616m be compatible or would it be a little prehistoric to use with a brand new Mac Pro?:eek:

Any pointers with regards to a workable setup would be TRULY appreciated.. thank you for any time spent reading this.



Pro Tools HD is fantastic. 70% of the music industry is on PT.
Pro Tools HD is fantastic. 70% of the music industry is on PT.

95% of the music industry puts out shameful unoriginal crap. What percent of PT users are in the other 5%?
Pro-Tools is like the brand Coke. People still think you need "Pro-Tools" to make music on a computer. If you aren't going to need PCI DSP and more than 200 tracks per job you do not need Pro-Tools HD. Although it is better now that you don't have to use their rubbish interfaces. And yes, I mean their HD converters.
Pro-Tools is like the brand Coke. People still think you need "Pro-Tools" to make music on a computer. If you aren't going to need PCI DSP and more than 200 tracks per job you do not need Pro-Tools HD. Although it is better now that you don't have to use their rubbish interfaces. And yes, I mean their HD converters.

And where exactly is Coca-Cola going these days?

You know they're still going to be around tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that. They're practically guaranteed to exist until the end of time because their product is a standard for which other products are often judged against.

I'm not saying that Protools is fantastic. However you can pretty much be guaranteed that Avid isn't going to drop it any time soon. And they're certainly not going to "overhaul" it just for the sake of changing stuff that works fine today.

Some other DAWs, like Logic, are totally up in the air. There are no signs of Logic X and nobody knows what it's going to be when it does drop- it could be the equivalent of a digital atomic bomb going off like FCPX was. And guaranteed Apple will drop support for Logic 9 the moment X hits. Nobody knows if their ADDA converters will still work with Logic X, or what MIDI hardware they might magically stop supporting, or what plugins they're going to drop, or even if their Logic 7/Logic 8 projects will open in it.

But you can be rest assured that, when Mac OS X 10.9 comes out, Logic 9 probably won't run on it, and Logic X will be your only upgrade path, and who the hell knows what is going on with that.

My point here is that you don't deal with crap like that when you're working with Protools. A lot of people buy into that stuff for stability, reliability, and support.

^^. All valid points.
Apple needs to break off into a pro segment.
If they don't care to do so that is fine. But cut us loose at least.
If Logic get's less powerful, I will leave. I will use it as a sound generator only and track in Pro-tools.
Apple still shows up to meetings and says how "devoted" they are to the professional environment. Total BS.
No roadmaps, no info. They pour all their time into ridiculous projects like Garageband for the iPad. Which is all fine and dandy but don't tell me you still care and then ax everything good in your Pro portfolio. Even if you ask them today they will say they "care" and that "Just wait, something special is coming".
So far I have been waiting 2 years on that empty promise. And for what? Just be honest. The end result will still be the same. Either pro's leave because the tools are no longer sold or they leave out of sheer frustration.
Use Parallels

Hello... Please excuse my ignorance-- for many years I've been running a PC for music production using cubase software along with a Creative E-MU 1616m soundcard. I'm looking to buy a Mac Pro for music production. Will the Creative E-MU 1616m be compatible or would it be a little prehistoric to use with a brand new Mac Pro?:eek:

Any pointers with regards to a workable setup would be TRULY appreciated.. thank you for any time spent reading this.



I run Sonar X1 in Parallels on a macPro early 2009. I use this because in my opinion it is the most Apple like pro DAW out on the market yet it only runs in Windows.
Also Motu DP is very, very good DAW better than Logic.

Most of your hardware will work in emulation.

However, in my opinion I'd buy an iMac if you want to enter the Mac universe for music. Most musicians use breakout audio cards powered by firewire or usb. With Parallels 7 or Bootcamp using Windows natively you have no need to buy all new music software.

You could simply buy a MacBook Pro and with a solid state drive, take out the DVD drive and put in a fast hard drive for storing loops etc, you'd have a portable DAW.

My only concern with Apple these days is Lion but then I think Snow leopard was their best version of OSX.
95% of the music industry puts out shameful unoriginal crap. What percent of PT users are in the other 5%?
Pro-Tools is like the brand Coke. People still think you need "Pro-Tools" to make music on a computer. If you aren't going to need PCI DSP and more than 200 tracks per job you do not need Pro-Tools HD. Although it is better now that you don't have to use their rubbish interfaces. And yes, I mean their HD converters.

Actually I have been using Apogee converters for the last ten years. Still love PT. Fast, feature rich, sounds great, and just works!
And where exactly is Coca-Cola going these days?

You know they're still going to be around tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that. They're practically guaranteed to exist until the end of time because their product is a standard for which other products are often judged against.

I'm not saying that Protools is fantastic. However you can pretty much be guaranteed that Avid isn't going to drop it any time soon. And they're certainly not going to "overhaul" it just for the sake of changing stuff that works fine today.

Some other DAWs, like Logic, are totally up in the air. There are no signs of Logic X and nobody knows what it's going to be when it does drop- it could be the equivalent of a digital atomic bomb going off like FCPX was. And guaranteed Apple will drop support for Logic 9 the moment X hits. Nobody knows if their ADDA converters will still work with Logic X, or what MIDI hardware they might magically stop supporting, or what plugins they're going to drop, or even if their Logic 7/Logic 8 projects will open in it.

But you can be rest assured that, when Mac OS X 10.9 comes out, Logic 9 probably won't run on it, and Logic X will be your only upgrade path, and who the hell knows what is going on with that.

My point here is that you don't deal with crap like that when you're working with Protools. A lot of people buy into that stuff for stability, reliability, and support.


What a load of horse ****, they will keep support for Logic 9 for a long time to come
What a load of horse ****, they will keep support for Logic 9 for a long time to come

If by "long time" you mean a couple years, then yes. Apple's track record of longtime support is stellar:rolleyes:
They'll support it but not on new OS's and new HW 4 years from now.
Mmm I tend to agree for most things but they are pretty good with Pro apps I've found, even if they don't seem to care too much for Pro hardware. Plus simply for the length of time L9 has been out they're collecting a pretty big number of users
Mmm I tend to agree for most things but they are pretty good with Pro apps I've found, even if they don't seem to care too much for Pro hardware. Plus simply for the length of time L9 has been out they're collecting a pretty big number of users

I think they care about all of it actually. It is really the users who love to pay for new Mac's that net 10%-20% more power year over year. And not sure why, given the limited amount of development necessary for moderate pro updates, they would shun such "extra" cash. If they upgraded even small things the pro market would upgrade every year netting them at least 20% more income on each cycle. This takes into consideration the extra price of upgraded components. The volume should compensate.
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