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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 24, 2010
i made a thread on here about a week ago about our mac pro in the recording booth in my university where i am a student sound technician. well everyone here is so great so i thought i would turn to you again.

our mac pro is the 2009 model with 8 gigs of ram. we use it with protools 8 HD. we got a special sound card installed because the one installed would not work with pro tools or something and it was about $8000 i think. anyways we have two problems and i think i have narrowed it down.

1. sometimes the keyboard and mouse become unresponsive. they are plugged into the back of a 20" cinema display. when you unplug it from the display and plug it back in, it works but will stop every once in a while. is this a usb on the display problem.

2. also, when using pro tools the mac will freeze and beach ball every so often. it doesn't happen with any other applications. only pro tools. and it does it with only two mics audio being fed. just a simple stereo setup. before the mac pro we had a g5 and it never froze. we had to replace it as it was getting old and we have started doing more complex recordings and it could not handle the load. my belief is the sound card is not playing well with snow leopard or something as the g5 never had that card and pro tools was fine. we do have an interface feeding the audio to the mac pro. this is why we needed the sound card.

anyway our tech dept doesn't really like macs and are slow at pushing updates and such. however our campus does have a good amount of macs and they are slowly pushing ahead. i figured i would turn here for advice as we did a recording yesterday and it froze 20 seconds before the group started to perform and we can't deal with this much longer.
Has 10.6 been qualified to run PT8? You should be on PT9 with 10.6. Or downgrade your Mac to 10.5.8 and PT8. Just make sure all your version are even supported. Otherwise check the Avid forums as it is specifically a Pro-Tools issue.
we were supposed to get pt9 but we are waiting for the school to pay for it which could be a while but if this the case then they might
Test a trial or something 1st to make sure this is the case. Just making suggestions. I don't run PT. I run Logic but I know Avid is pretty anal about versions and support.
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