Hey guys my 2010 MP has been giving me problems just about from day one. I've had to do a hard power down 1-2 times per day as it will get stuck with a pinwheel on opening mail or opening safari ect. Its completely stuck on the little things. I can't use the dock can't use force quit nothing the Muse moves around but nothing can be selected! The strange thing is that tonight this happened but it still completed ripping a DVD in handbreak for about 10 minutes before I powered it down. While tonight it happened while running handbreak I've had it happen with only safari open as well! Have you guys experienced anything like this?
I have a 120gb SSd in icydock full metal as my boot drive 2x 3tb hitachi drives and the 1 tb wd as a back up of the boot for now. Along with 16gb OWC ram
Any input would be much appreciated. I'm to bed now as it midnight here I'll heck back in the morning.
I have a 120gb SSd in icydock full metal as my boot drive 2x 3tb hitachi drives and the 1 tb wd as a back up of the boot for now. Along with 16gb OWC ram
Any input would be much appreciated. I'm to bed now as it midnight here I'll heck back in the morning.