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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 17, 2012
My computer restarts randomly, rarely mid working but majority of time when it’s in sleep.

I tried resetting SMC and it has not helped. I get the following error report log.

*** MCA Error Report ***
CPU W<ine 7]<k Ar7Mectu'^TrrorDX^p (CZ*InteG
% Xeog
% CPUTXV1650d.@ 3.Wvz, CZI: 0x7fV4)
7x-^: 0 W!IA32w[97_STHZ:=0xFW(0000F136
8&_MC1wvHDR=0fhFFFCV! IA3'v[917_M9:X0x18304086
7x-^: 0 W!IA32w[98_STHZ:=0xBW(0000F136
8&_MC1wHDR=0fhFFF8V! IA3'v[918_M9:X0x14704086
7x-^: 0 W!IA32w[99_STHZ:=0xBW(0000F136
8&_MC1wHDR=0fhFFF0V! IA3'v[919_M9:X0x18304086
7x-^: 0 W!IA32w[9(0_STHZ:=0xBW(0000F136
8&_MC2vHDR=0fhFFF4V! IA3'v[920_M9:X0x14304086
7x-^: 0 W!IA32w[9(1_STHZ:=0xBW(0000F136
8&_MC2vHDR=0fhFFE4V! IA3'v[921_M9:X0x18304086
7x-^: 0 W!IA32w[9(2_STHZ:=0xBW(0000F136
8&_MC2'vHDR=0fhFFECV! IA3'v[922_M9:X0x14304086

*** Device Tree ***
"pcie_cfg_base" : "0xe0000000",
"pci_devices" :
"0x0" : "DMI2@0",
"0x8000" : "PEG0@1",
"0x10000" : "GFXA@2",
"0x18000" : "GFXB@3",
"0x20000" : "CBD0@4",
"0x21000" : "CBD1@4,1",
"0x22000" : "CBD2@4,2",
"0x23000" : "CBD3@4,3",
"0x24000" : "CBD4@4,4",
"0x25000" : "CBD5@4,5",
"0x26000" : "CBD6@4,6",
"0x200000" : "GFXA@2/IOPP/GFX1@0",
"0x1000000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0",
"0x201000" : "GFXA@2/IOPP/HDAD@0,1",
"0x27000" : "CBD7@4,7",
"0x600000" : "GFXB@3/IOPP/GFX2@0",
"0x28000" : "IOC0@5",
"0x601000" : "GFXB@3/IOPP/HDAU@0,1",
"0x29000" : "IOC1@5,1",
"0x2a000" : "IOC2@5,2",
"0x2c000" : "IOC4@5,4",
"0x88000" : "VMS0@11",
"0xb0000" : "HECI@16",
"0xd8000" : "HDEF@1B",
"0xe0000" : "RP01@1C",
"0xe1000" : "RP02@1C,1",
"0xe2000" : "RP03@1C,2",
"0xe4000" : "RP05@1C,4",
"0xe8000" : "EHC1@1D",
"0xf0000" : "IP2P@1E",
"0x1108000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR13@1",
"0xf8000" : "LPCB@1F",
"0xb00000" : "RP01@1C/IOPP/ETH1@0",
"0x1110000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR11@2",
"0xc00000" : "RP02@1C,1/IOPP/ETH0@0",
"0xfa000" : "pci8086,1d02@1F,2",
"0x1140000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR14@8",
"0xfb000" : "SBUS@1F,3",
"0xe00000" : "RP05@1C,4/IOPP/SSD0@0",
"0x1148000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR12@9",
"0xd00000" : "RP03@1C,2/IOPP/ARPT@0",
"0x1150000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR10@A",
"0xb100000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR11@2/IOPP/UFS1@0",
"0x1300000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR13@1/IOPP/XHC1@0",
"0x1400000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR10@A/IOPP/UFS0@0",
"0x6300000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR12@9/IOPP/UFS2@0",
"0xb200000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR11@2/IOPP/UFS1@0/IOPP/DSB0@0",
"0xb218000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR11@2/IOPP/UFS1@0/IOPP/DSB1@3",
"0xb220000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR11@2/IOPP/UFS1@0/IOPP/DSB2@4",
"0xb228000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR11@2/IOPP/UFS1@0/IOPP/DSB3@5",
"0xb230000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR11@2/IOPP/UFS1@0/IOPP/DSB4@6",
"0xb300000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR11@2/IOPP/UFS1@0/IOPP/DSB0@0/IOPP/NHI1@0",
"0x1500000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR10@A/IOPP/UFS0@0/IOPP/DSB0@0",
"0x1518000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR10@A/IOPP/UFS0@0/IOPP/DSB1@3",
"0x6400000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR12@9/IOPP/UFS2@0/IOPP/DSB0@0",
"0x1520000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR10@A/IOPP/UFS0@0/IOPP/DSB2@4",
"0x6418000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR12@9/IOPP/UFS2@0/IOPP/DSB1@3",
"0x1528000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR10@A/IOPP/UFS0@0/IOPP/DSB3@5",
"0x6420000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR12@9/IOPP/UFS2@0/IOPP/DSB2@4",
"0x1530000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR10@A/IOPP/UFS0@0/IOPP/DSB4@6",
"0x6428000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR12@9/IOPP/UFS2@0/IOPP/DSB3@5",
"0x6430000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR12@9/IOPP/UFS2@0/IOPP/DSB4@6",
"0x1600000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR10@A/IOPP/UFS0@0/IOPP/DSB0@0/IOPP/NHI0@0",
"0x6500000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR12@9/IOPP/UFS2@0/IOPP/DSB0@0/IOPP/NHI2@0",
"0xeb00000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR11@2/IOPP/UFS1@0/IOPP/DSB1@3/IOPP/UPS0@0",
"0xec08000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR11@2/IOPP/UFS1@0/IOPP/DSB1@3/IOPP/UPS0@0/IOPP/pci-bridge@1",
"0xed00000" : "PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR11@2/IOPP/UFS1@0/IOPP/DSB1@3/IOPP/UPS0@0/IOPP/pci-bridge@1/IOPP/pci1b73,1100@0"
"device_mmio" :
"PCI0@0" :
{ "a" : "0xcf8", "s" : "0x8" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0" :
{ "a" : "0xa0900000", "s" : "0x40000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR13@1/IOPP/XHC1@0" :
{ "a" : "0xa0a00000", "s" : "0x10000" },
{ "a" : "0xa0a10000", "s" : "0x1000" },
{ "a" : "0xa0a11000", "s" : "0x1000" }
{ "a" : "0xcae00000", "s" : "0x40000" },
{ "a" : "0xcae40000", "s" : "0x1000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/PEG0@1/IOPP/BR00@0/IOPP/BR11@2/IOPP/UFS1@0/IOPP/DSB1@3/IOPP/UPS0@0/IOPP/pci-bridge@1/IOPP/pci1b73,1100@0" :
{ "a" : "0xcaf00000", "s" : "0x10000" },
{ "a" : "0xcaf11000", "s" : "0x1000" },
{ "a" : "0xcaf10000", "s" : "0x1000" }
{ "a" : "0xb5d00000", "s" : "0x40000" },
{ "a" : "0xb5d40000", "s" : "0x1000" }
{ "a" : "0xa0b00000", "s" : "0x40000" },
{ "a" : "0xa0b40000", "s" : "0x1000" }
{ "a" : "0xfff90000000", "s" : "0x10000000" },
{ "a" : "0xa0700000", "s" : "0x40000" },
{ "a" : "0xa0740000", "s" : "0x20000" }
{ "a" : "0xa0760000", "s" : "0x4000" }
{ "a" : "0xfff80000000", "s" : "0x10000000" },
{ "a" : "0xa0600000", "s" : "0x40000" },
{ "a" : "0xa0640000", "s" : "0x20000" }
{ "a" : "0xa0660000", "s" : "0x4000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/CBD0@4" :
{ "a" : "0xfffa0220000", "s" : "0x4000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/CBD1@4,1" :
{ "a" : "0xfffa021c000", "s" : "0x4000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/CBD2@4,2" :
{ "a" : "0xfffa0218000", "s" : "0x4000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/CBD3@4,3" :
{ "a" : "0xfffa0214000", "s" : "0x4000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/CBD4@4,4" :
{ "a" : "0xfffa0210000", "s" : "0x4000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/CBD5@4,5" :
{ "a" : "0xfffa020c000", "s" : "0x4000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/CBD6@4,6" :
{ "a" : "0xfffa0208000", "s" : "0x4000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/CBD7@4,7" :
{ "a" : "0xfffa0204000", "s" : "0x4000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/IOC4@5,4" :
{ "a" : "0xa0826000", "s" : "0x1000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/HECI@16" :
{ "a" : "0xfffa0224100", "s" : "0x10" }
{ "a" : "0xfffa0200000", "s" : "0x4000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/RP01@1C/IOPP/ETH1@0" :
{ "a" : "0xfffa0100000", "s" : "0x10000" },
{ "a" : "0xfffa0110000", "s" : "0x10000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/RP02@1C,1/IOPP/ETH0@0" :
{ "a" : "0xfffa0000000", "s" : "0x10000" },
{ "a" : "0xfffa0010000", "s" : "0x10000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/RP03@1C,2/IOPP/ARPT@0" :
{ "a" : "0xa0200000", "s" : "0x8000" },
{ "a" : "0xa0000000", "s" : "0x200000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/RP05@1C,4/IOPP/SSD0@0" :
{ "a" : "0xa0500000", "s" : "0x4000" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/EHC1@1D" :
{ "a" : "0xa0827800", "s" : "0x400" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/pci8086,1d02@1F,2" :
{ "a" : "0xa0827000", "s" : "0x800" }
"PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SBUS@1F,3" :
{ "a" : "0xfffa0224000", "s" : "0x100" }
"XRES" :
{ "a" : "0xdfffa000", "s" : "0x1000" },
{ "a" : "0xdfff8000", "s" : "0x1000" }
"APIC" :
{ "a" : "0xfec00000", "s" : "0x100000" }
"DMAC" :
{ "a" : "0x0", "s" : "0x20" },
{ "a" : "0x81", "s" : "0x11" },
{ "a" : "0x93", "s" : "0xd" },
{ "a" : "0xc0", "s" : "0x20" }
"FWHD" :
{ "a" : "0xff000000", "s" : "0x1000000" }
"HPET" :
{ "a" : "0xfed00000", "s" : "0x400" }
"IPIC" :
{ "a" : "0x20", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0x24", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0x28", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0x2c", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0x30", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0x34", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0x38", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0x3c", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0xa0", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0xa4", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0xa8", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0xac", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0xb0", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0xb4", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0xb8", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0xbc", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0x4d0", "s" : "0x2" }
"MATH" :
{ "a" : "0xf0", "s" : "0x1" }
"LDRC" :
{ "a" : "0x2e", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0x4e", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0x61", "s" : "0x1" },
{ "a" : "0x63", "s" : "0x1" },
{ "a" : "0x65", "s" : "0x1" },
{ "a" : "0x67", "s" : "0x1" },
{ "a" : "0x80", "s" : "0x1" },
{ "a" : "0x92", "s" : "0x1" },
{ "a" : "0xb2", "s" : "0x2" },
{ "a" : "0x1000", "s" : "0x10" },
{ "a" : "0x400", "s" : "0x80" },
{ "a" : "0x800", "s" : "0x80" }
"RTC" :
{ "a" : "0x70", "s" : "0x8" }
"TIMR" :
{ "a" : "0x40", "s" : "0x4" },
{ "a" : "0x50", "s" : "0x4" }
"SMC" :
{ "a" : "0x300", "s" : "0x20" },
{ "a" : "0xfef00000", "s" : "0x10000" }
"EC" :
{ "a" : "0x62", "s" : "0x1" },
{ "a" : "0x66", "s" : "0x1" }


macrumors newbie
Oct 2, 2019
Here n There
My mac pro 2013 has been doing something similar for a couple of months now. I put it to sleep, and when I come back to wake it, it's had a hard shutdown.


macrumors newbie
Nov 16, 2021
My Mac Pro 2013 was running flawlessly for almost 8 years until last week when it began to either randomly restart or completely shut off (after 20 minutes to 4 hours).

Initially I thought it was because of overheating, but I've been monitoring the temperature with the app "Temperature Gauge" and was able to rule that out.

I used the Terminal app to determine the cause, using the command:
log show --predicate 'eventMessage contains "Previous shutdown cause"' --last 24h
The shutdown cause was designated "-2" which apparently implies that it's a problem with the logic board, graphics card, or RAM.

A friend of mine has been having the same problem.
Is this planned obsolescence?


macrumors newbie
Oct 2, 2019
Here n There
Same error here:
log show --predicate 'eventMessage contains "Previous shutdown cause"' --last 24h
Filtering the log data using "composedMessage CONTAINS "Previous shutdown cause""
Skipping info and debug messages, pass --info and/or --debug to include.
Timestamp Thread Type Activity PID TTL
2021-11-17 15:54:01.009350-0500 0xdf Default 0x0 0 0 kernel: (AppleSMC) Previous shutdown cause: -2
Log - Default: 1, Info: 0, Debug: 0, Error: 0, Fault: 0
Activity - Create: 0, Transition: 0, Actions: 0


macrumors newbie
Sep 26, 2017
Same… Even the "corrupt text" in the "*** MCA Error Report ***" header is (nearly) the same partial CPU/Intel/Xeon hieroglyphic strings:

*** MCA Error Report *** CPU W<ine 7]<k Ar7Mectu'^TrrorDX^p (CZ*InteG % Xeog % CPUTXV2697d.@ 2.wvz, CZI: 0x7fV4) 7x-^: 0 W!IA32w[97_STHZ:=0xF(000010A 'A32_W9v_CTLW 8&_MC1wv[SC=0_8h000160388gV!1ore:T I8&vMC19w;JTUS=oX200004117fV! IA7&v[C19_7HJY0x0 'A32_W9_ADD'Z7FFFgh8 8&_MC1w[SC=0?H0083F0108gV!1ore:T I8&vMC20w;JTUS=/X200004117fV! IA7&v[C20_7HJY0x0 'A32_W9(_ADD'Z7FFFgh 8&_MC2v[SC=0/0087F0108gV!1ore:T I8&vMC23w;JTUS=/X200004117fV! IA7&v[C23_7HJY0x0 'A32_W9(6_ADD'Z7FFFgh 8&_MC27v[SC=0F0083F0108gV!1ore:T I8&vMC24w;JTUS=/X200004117fV! IA7&v[C24_7HJY0x0 'A32_W9(F_ADD'Z7FFFghH 8&_MC2Gv[SC=0o0083F0108gV!1ore:T I8&vMC27w;JTUS=/X200004117fV! IA7&v[C27_7HJY0x0 'A32_W9(v_ADD'Z7FFFgXH 8&_MC2wv[SC=0O0083F0108gV!1ore:T I8&vMC28w;JTUS=/X200004117fV! IA7&v[C28_7HJY0x0 'A32_W9(_ADD'Z7FFFgX8 8&_MC2w[SC=0o80083F0108gV!

This 2013 is configured with the 2.7GHz 12 core, 64Gb, and D700's. Of interest, this sleep=crash condition started showing up following the Security Update "2021-007" for Catalina v10.15.7 (19H1519).

Use of the above % log show --predicate 'eventMessage contains "Previous shutdown cause"' --last 24h dumped out a slightly different "cause" of: kernel: (AppleSMC) Previous shutdown cause: -63.

Performing NVRAM/SMC resets haven't helped.
Last edited:
  • Like
Reactions: Savorn


macrumors newbie
Nov 22, 2021
Same error for me after upgrade to Monterey…
Mac Pro 2013, 3,7Ghz E5 quad core, 16 Go RAM, D300…
Performing NVRAM/SMC resets haven't helped.
Hope Apple releases an update to fix this issue quickly !


macrumors newbie
Dec 22, 2011
Same random restarts during sleep happening to my Pro too.
Log from console states: "kernel: (AppleSMC) Previous shutdown cause: -63" and I have more or less the same hieroglyphic error report. In Console I found a diagnostic report that corresponds with the same timestamp as the kernel message with the following contents:

Sleep Wake failure in EFI

Failure code:: 0x03000010 0x0000001f

Please IGNORE the below stackshot

Date/Time: 2021-12-19 09:10:20.184 +0100
OS Version: ??? ??? (Build ???)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 35
Incident Identifier: 1B0EF66E-686D-49C6-BFB8-0DE4E1FF1E64

Data Source: Stackshots
Shared Cache: E72A2011-6ACF-3F25-BFE7-730570330401 slid base address 0x7ff812e9b000, slide 0x12e9b000

Event: Sleep Wake Failure
Duration: 0.00s
Steps: 1

Time Awake Since Boot: 16s

Process: swd [333]
Architecture: x86_64
Footprint: 392 KB
Time Since Fork: 2s
Num samples: 1 (1)

Thread 0x8c0 1 sample (1) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO tier 2>
1 ??? [0x10e6e94fe] 1
1 ??? [0x10deb3454] 1
1 ??? [0x10deb31e8] 1
1 __stack_snapshot_with_config + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 149174) [0x7ff81319f6b6] 1
*1 ??? [0xffffff8000228226] 1
*1 ??? [0xffffff800099e9d4] 1
*1 ??? [0xffffff8000894e84] 1
*1 ??? [0xffffff800024be78] 1
*1 ??? [0xffffff80002881ad] (running) 1

Binary Images:
0x7ff81317b000 - 0x7ff8131b1fff libsystem_kernel.dylib (8019.61.5) <5AA1E5BE-B5B8-3A02-9885-A8C99E0CA378> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib

System Profile:
Bluetooth: Version (null), 0 services, 0 devices, 0 incoming serial ports
Model: MacPro6,1, BootROM 429., 4 processors, Quad-Core Intel Xeon E5, 3.7 GHz, 64 GB, SMC 2.20f18
Thunderbolt Bus: Mac Pro, Apple Inc., 19.2
Thunderbolt Bus: Mac Pro, Apple Inc., 19.2
Thunderbolt Bus: Mac Pro, Apple Inc., 19.2
Boot Volume File System Type: apfs
Display: LED Cinema Display, 2560 x 1440 (QHD/WQHD - Wide Quad High Definition), MirrorOff, Online
Display: LG ULTRAWIDE, 3440 x 1440 (UWQHD - Ultra-Wide Quad HD), Main, MirrorOff, Online
Graphics: AMD FirePro D300, AMD FirePro D300, PCIe, 2 GB
Graphics: AMD FirePro D300, AMD FirePro D300, PCIe, 2 GB
USB Device: USB20Bus
USB Device: hub_device
USB Device: BRCM20702 Hub
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
USB Device: USB30Bus
USB Device: SB Omni Surround 5.1
USB Device: USB Receiver
USB Device: USB Receiver
Memory Module: DI

I also did a complete fresh install of Mac OS (currently running Monterey 12.1) and my Pro is a Late 2013 and tried resetting the SMC and NVRAM.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Sep 14, 2017
I'm going to do everythimg in my power to tackle the reasons for these unexpected restarts. Mine is a D300 in question though.

I decided to take the time now for a complete household cleaning and maintenance with my 6,1 D300.
Dust, anyone? Yes, there were some.



Got an airgun and compressor at my place, and now it's clean enough.
I'm going to repaste CPU and GPUs too.
RTC clock battery changed to BR2032 at 3,05V. Old was at about 2,8V.

Originally I was going to upgrade the CPU to 2690v2, but it's not worth it for this Mac. I'll use it with my other D500 instead. And the 3rd one is going to get a 1680v2 I think. If everything goes allright that is. This is my first full 6,1 disassembly ever after all.

I guess if the panics, reboots, shutdowns don't go away, there is not much to do about it for me anymore. I don't think Apple is gonna help me in any way.

Let's see if it makes any difference.

edit. btw, during disassembly one screw drop out of the machine. I don't know where it came from. It doesn't seem to be from this Mac. Really strange, but I am gratefull it has not caused any big havoc while beeing loose in there. Anybody have an idea if this somehow belongs to 6,1?


edit2. posted/pasted to this thread and removed my offtopic from another thread.
edit3. I found the screw type, it's GPU bus bar screw. But it was an extra one, not needed, all screws sat in their correct places in there. This thing must have been to GPU repair sometime in it's history, by authorized or not so authorized service, who knows.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 14, 2017
I can see there are both D300 and D700 machines in mentioned in this topic suffering this. It would be nice if everyone lists their hardware, bootROM and OS version too, because apparently there are different causes for this happening.

Mine is crashing bye itself randomly from Catalina to Big Sur, havent tried Mojave or Monterey (yet). It does crash with sleep disabled too, but not so often. Panic reports and shutdowncauses are of various types, but windowserver crashing seems to be the most frequent one.

It crashed with and without eGPU (PurgeWrangler installation)

My first:
Mac Pro 6,1, 6-core, 64GB, D300, 512GB SSD apple AHCI (Samsung). Big Sur, bootROM 429. Wired kbd/mouse, WiFi, sound out port in use. Dell U4021QW. Uptimes from hours to several weeks (best was almost 3 weeks without sleep). RTC battery original probably.

My second:
Mac Pro 6,1, 6-core, 32GB, D500, 2TB SSD KC2500 NVMe (Kingston). Big Sur, bootROM 429., SMC version 2.20f18: uptime 5 days 21 hours, sleep activated, no crashes so far. No eGPU. Wired kbd/mouse, WiFi, sound out port in use. Dell U4021QW. RTC battery original probably.

My third:
Mac Pro 6,1, 6-core, 96GB, D500, 2TB SSD KC2500 NVMe (Kingston). Big Sur, bootROM 429., SMC version 2.20f18: uptime 2 days 6 hours, sleep activated but doesn't want to sleep properly dont know why. No crashes so far. No eGPU. Wired kbd/mouse, ethernet, Apple 27" thunderbolt Display with sound through it. RTC battery original probably.

Now the first is on my table in atoms, waiting for 2mm thermal pads to arrive for D300 GPUs.

ps. did my pics in above post just get lost in bit heaven, I can't see them anymore?
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Feb 17, 2018
Hi All, I see this thread is a few months old but after moving to a Mac Pro 2013, I seem to be having exactly the same issue here, random restarts (generally every 24 hours) when in sleep ... Moved from Mojave to Monterey thinking it may be this, but the problem still persists. Had 2 TB2 devices, removed these thinking it may be this but still happening ... Gonna set up a new user, then new install to determine the issue ... Has anyone done this already ? Has anyone successfully fixed the issue ? Thanks in advance ...


macrumors newbie
Feb 17, 2018
Have taken a look at the logs when the last unexpected shutdown appeared and I found the following:

2022-05-10 21:38:53.063279+0100 0x62b Error 0x9d2 91 0 powerd: [powerd:assertions] Pid 142 is not privileged to set property AppliesOnLidClose
2022-05-10 21:38:53.154100+0100 0x62b Error 0x0 91 0 powerd: [powerd:batteryhealth] Invalid battery data
2022-05-10 21:38:53.154159+0100 0x62b Error 0x0 91 0 powerd: [powerd:batteryhealth] Invalid battery data
2022-05-10 21:38:53.154215+0100 0x62b Error 0x0 91 0 powerd: [powerd:batteryhealth] Invalid battery data
2022-05-10 21:38:53.154266+0100 0x62b Error 0x0 91 0 powerd: [powerd:batteryhealth] Invalid battery data
2022-05-10 21:38:53.778690+0100 0x62a Error 0xc23 91 0 powerd: [powerd:assertions] Pid 142 is not privileged to set property AppliesOnLidClose
2022-05-10 21:38:56.966800+0100 0x626 Error 0x0 91 0 powerd: Unexpected xpc dictionary
2022-05-10 21:38:58.059623+0100 0x62a Error 0x0 91 0 powerd: [powerd:assertions] checkForAsyncAssertionLogging: No processes with xpc connection
2022-05-10 21:38:59.883814+0100 0x62b Error 0xc2e 91 0 powerd: [powerd:assertions] Pid 142 is not privileged to set property AppliesOnLidClose
2022-05-10 21:39:01.445244+0100 0x626 Error 0x0 91 0 powerd: [powerd:assertions] checkForAsyncAssertionLogging: No processes with xpc connection
2022-05-10 21:39:48.995610+0100 0xcdc Error 0x0 91 0 powerd: (CoreDuet) [] Unknown prediction timeline failure


macrumors newbie
Feb 17, 2018
Same random restarts during sleep happening to my Pro too.
Log from console states: "kernel: (AppleSMC) Previous shutdown cause: -63" and I have more or less the same hieroglyphic error report. In Console I found a diagnostic report that corresponds with the same timestamp as the kernel message with the following contents:

Sleep Wake failure in EFI

Failure code:: 0x03000010 0x0000001f

Please IGNORE the below stackshot

Date/Time: 2021-12-19 09:10:20.184 +0100
OS Version: ??? ??? (Build ???)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 35
Incident Identifier: 1B0EF66E-686D-49C6-BFB8-0DE4E1FF1E64

Data Source: Stackshots
Shared Cache: E72A2011-6ACF-3F25-BFE7-730570330401 slid base address 0x7ff812e9b000, slide 0x12e9b000

Event: Sleep Wake Failure
Duration: 0.00s
Steps: 1

Time Awake Since Boot: 16s

Process: swd [333]
Architecture: x86_64
Footprint: 392 KB
Time Since Fork: 2s
Num samples: 1 (1)

Thread 0x8c0 1 sample (1) priority 4 (base 4)
<thread QoS background (requested background), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO tier 2>
1 ??? [0x10e6e94fe] 1
1 ??? [0x10deb3454] 1
1 ??? [0x10deb31e8] 1
1 __stack_snapshot_with_config + 10 (libsystem_kernel.dylib + 149174) [0x7ff81319f6b6] 1
*1 ??? [0xffffff8000228226] 1
*1 ??? [0xffffff800099e9d4] 1
*1 ??? [0xffffff8000894e84] 1
*1 ??? [0xffffff800024be78] 1
*1 ??? [0xffffff80002881ad] (running) 1

Binary Images:
0x7ff81317b000 - 0x7ff8131b1fff libsystem_kernel.dylib (8019.61.5) <5AA1E5BE-B5B8-3A02-9885-A8C99E0CA378> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib

System Profile:
Bluetooth: Version (null), 0 services, 0 devices, 0 incoming serial ports
Model: MacPro6,1, BootROM 429., 4 processors, Quad-Core Intel Xeon E5, 3.7 GHz, 64 GB, SMC 2.20f18
Thunderbolt Bus: Mac Pro, Apple Inc., 19.2
Thunderbolt Bus: Mac Pro, Apple Inc., 19.2
Thunderbolt Bus: Mac Pro, Apple Inc., 19.2
Boot Volume File System Type: apfs
Display: LED Cinema Display, 2560 x 1440 (QHD/WQHD - Wide Quad High Definition), MirrorOff, Online
Display: LG ULTRAWIDE, 3440 x 1440 (UWQHD - Ultra-Wide Quad HD), Main, MirrorOff, Online
Graphics: AMD FirePro D300, AMD FirePro D300, PCIe, 2 GB
Graphics: AMD FirePro D300, AMD FirePro D300, PCIe, 2 GB
USB Device: USB20Bus
USB Device: hub_device
USB Device: BRCM20702 Hub
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
USB Device: USB30Bus
USB Device: SB Omni Surround 5.1
USB Device: USB Receiver
USB Device: USB Receiver
Memory Module: DI

I also did a complete fresh install of Mac OS (currently running Monterey 12.1) and my Pro is a Late 2013 and tried resetting the SMC and NVRAM.
Did you manage to fix the issue ?


macrumors newbie
Feb 17, 2018
So I thought I'd update this thread, I've got to the bottom of the issue and managed to fix it (well, 48 hours now with no random restart and usually occurs ever 12 hours)

As someone said before, it seems to be linked to an HDMI issue. I am only running one LG 27MD5KL USB-C monitor connected via an adaptor to TB2 interface with nothing on the HDMI interface. I've temporarily connection an HDMI lead with a Dell DA300 USB-C adaptor not connected to anything and the problem seems to have gone away.

Hope this can help someone else ? As I'm a bit of a monitor magpie, I'm gonna look for an additional monitor with HDMI (any recommendations warmly welcome) ...


macrumors 6502a
Sep 14, 2017
"2022-05-10 21:38:53.154100+0100 0x62b Error 0x0 91 0 powerd: [powerd:batteryhealth] Invalid battery data"

You have the original RTC battery in it? It might be drained out by now.

What OS ar eyou using and which bootROM is in it? Many have solved the crashing problem by updating bootROM to their Mac Pro 2013 (430., from beta release of Monterey).


macrumors newbie
Sep 17, 2023
I occasionally have this problem too. It’s due to an inadequate cooling system and it’s lacking in the dust prevention department. So, when it happens I Immediately disconnect everything (4 monitors, two external drives, audio interfaces, ethernet, usb expansion, and the IEC {power cable}). Yes it’s a PITA but it’s worth doing (Usually Once a year). Open the unit, if you don’t know how, YouTube it. Once it’s open you need to blow out all the dust particles and make sure that it’s cooling system is operational. An air gun really comes in handy for this. Do not use air cans such as 'Dust off' as they leave a residue of chemicals which can lead to larger issues. If you don’t have an air compressor, find a friend who does or purchase one at Ho D. They are cheap in comparison to the cost of the computer. Make sue that there is no water buildup in the tank of the compressor. There’s a drainage valve on the tank and before spraying your computer, spray it away from it and watch for water vapors coming from the nozzle because often water can collect in the hose and other components of the compressor. It’s a good idea to purchase a filter (double chamber) which will capture and drain water. You’ll be happy when your Mac Pro behaves like the day you un-boxed it and the problem of random shut downs won’t happen until the dust collects again. Don’t fall for software that promises a fix like 'Mac Kepper' and others. Best of luck.
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