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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 30, 2007
Dear all - I recently got a mac pro, I know ALL mac product lights perform in the following:

Sleep: snooze
Awake: off

but for my MP
Sleep: snooze
Awake: on (permanently)

1. Is this normal?
2. If not, is there a way to adjust this? or is it a hardware defect? Help appreciated


macrumors 6502a
May 6, 2006
Leeds, UK
Are you saying it strobes on/off when asleep and is on constantly when powered on?

That's the normal behavior it does that on my MP, it was the same on the Mac Mini (PPC at least).


macrumors 6502
Feb 7, 2007
nowhere fast
As I understand it (and have seen in practice), headless macs follow the pattern you described (on=on, off=off, sleep=oscillate) while monitors and all-in-ones turn off when the screen is active, turn on when the screen is off but the computer on, and oscillate when asleep.

It's mildly confusing, but makes perfect sense; if your Mac Pro power light turned off when you turned it on you'd be stuck looking at the monitor or listening for fans to know if it's on, while on an iMac etc the screen is right in front of you above the power light. Just as on many high end TVs and Apple's monitors, the power light would be distracting if working in a dark environment, so it turns off when the monitor itself is on.
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