My family has a Mac Pro 1,1. It was purchased with a 7300 GT, but later upgraded to an 8800. A couple of weeks ago, the machine shut itself down while in use. At the time, it was booted into Windows via Bootcamp, and was being used to play a video game. The system could no longer be booted into Leopard (kernel panic), and when booted in windows exhibited extremely poor video issues (low resolution, low color.)
We brought the machine to an Apple Store immediately. They couldn't immediately identify the cause of the failure, so they sent it to their "secret underground support dungeon." They called to let us know that they thought it was a video issue, and were waiting on a replacement card to confirm it. This was in-line with my guess, since the machine booted fine but had some crippling graphical issues.
It took over a week to hear from them again. The diagnosis: logic board failure, $700 to fix. The amount of time it took them to get back to us on this left me a bit suspicious, so we took the machine home still in its broken state, and tried replacing the video card ourselves. We slipped in the original 7300, and the machine booted into Windows just fine. We are still unable to boot Leopard: we get the apple logo, the spinner, and eventually (after 15 minutes), the light blue boot screen. The spinner continues to appear and disappear every minute or so, but the system never comes up.
So, the question to y'all is this: how do we get our mac back? Apple support really has been counter-productive in getting our machine back. It felt like the $700 price tag was to get us to go away or buy a new Pro. I'm happy to purchase a new 5770, Snow Leopard / Lion, a new HD, or whatever combination of these that we need to to get this thing running again. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks much!
My family has a Mac Pro 1,1. It was purchased with a 7300 GT, but later upgraded to an 8800. A couple of weeks ago, the machine shut itself down while in use. At the time, it was booted into Windows via Bootcamp, and was being used to play a video game. The system could no longer be booted into Leopard (kernel panic), and when booted in windows exhibited extremely poor video issues (low resolution, low color.)
We brought the machine to an Apple Store immediately. They couldn't immediately identify the cause of the failure, so they sent it to their "secret underground support dungeon." They called to let us know that they thought it was a video issue, and were waiting on a replacement card to confirm it. This was in-line with my guess, since the machine booted fine but had some crippling graphical issues.
It took over a week to hear from them again. The diagnosis: logic board failure, $700 to fix. The amount of time it took them to get back to us on this left me a bit suspicious, so we took the machine home still in its broken state, and tried replacing the video card ourselves. We slipped in the original 7300, and the machine booted into Windows just fine. We are still unable to boot Leopard: we get the apple logo, the spinner, and eventually (after 15 minutes), the light blue boot screen. The spinner continues to appear and disappear every minute or so, but the system never comes up.
So, the question to y'all is this: how do we get our mac back? Apple support really has been counter-productive in getting our machine back. It felt like the $700 price tag was to get us to go away or buy a new Pro. I'm happy to purchase a new 5770, Snow Leopard / Lion, a new HD, or whatever combination of these that we need to to get this thing running again. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thanks much!