Hi There,
I want to upgrade my MAC Pro with more memory, I have 4X1gb and I want 2x4gb or 4x2gb moduls.
My MAC Pro is early 2008, can someone please tell me or giv me a link to apple store with the correct moduls?
I have tried google it and also surfed on Apple homepage, but I cant find the 2008 MAC Pro model.
This is what I have
Size: 1 GB
Speed: 800 MHz
Thank you in advance.
I want to upgrade my MAC Pro with more memory, I have 4X1gb and I want 2x4gb or 4x2gb moduls.
My MAC Pro is early 2008, can someone please tell me or giv me a link to apple store with the correct moduls?
I have tried google it and also surfed on Apple homepage, but I cant find the 2008 MAC Pro model.
This is what I have
Size: 1 GB
Speed: 800 MHz
Thank you in advance.