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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 5, 2011
I was in the Apple store in Brent Cross London today getting my Air fixed while waiting I noticed there was no Mac Pros on display. An Apple Business rep told me they had been Discontinued finally?

I find this hard to believe as it is still listed online.

Brent Cross has one of the worst small footprints for a store of it's volume. Could this just be a retail space issues or is Apple starting the phase out.

I love my Mac Pro two years in and it replaced my G5 of the same form factor. I can't imagine replacing it with a mac mini when the time comes.

Anyone else see this missing at there retails stores?
The stores are all reconfiguring for the holiday season. Most have taken out their Mac Pros if they are short on space. There have been several threads about this.
The day the white Macbook was discontinued it was off the Apple Store online (Not counting refurbished of course). The Mac Pro is still there to purchase brand new. That should tell you everything you need to know ;)
Happens every holiday season at my local stores, too. No need to panic. Mac Pros aren't exactly "push" items.

Everyone is shopping iPads, MacBooks and iMacs. Those items move in far greater numbers than Mac Pros ever do.
A new Mac Pro is what we need. I wouldn't mind getting one instead of an iMac. The Mac Pro is easier to upgrade and service. I'm afraid to remove the screen on the iMac, I may break it.
Now... if I only had the money.... :(
Sorry for my silly panic but

The Apple store Business Rep told me the MP was 'discontinued'. Guy works at the store and has no clue what's going on??!:mad:

Again sorry for unnesssary thread.
During the summer the closest Apple store to me didn't have a mini on display. If it doesn't have a built in screen Apple doesn't seem to care.
I imagine the space a MP takes up on the shelf can be replaced by 2-3 iproducts that tweens can slobber over along with all the rest. :rolleyes:
The Apple store Business Rep told me the MP was 'discontinued'. Guy works at the store and has no clue what's going on??!

1. There is no official announcement that the Mac Pro has been or will be discontinued.

2. My understanding is that speculating on future products by Apple Store employees is a serious (firing?) offense.

Thus, I seriously doubt this was at an Apple-owned store; perhaps at a reseller, but still, it's unprofessional.
I imagine the space a MP takes up on the shelf can be replaced by 2-3 iproducts that tweens can slobber over along with all the rest. :rolleyes:

Since each Mac in the store has an iPad kiosk right next to it, an iMac 27" + iPad takes up about as much horizontal space as a Mac Pro + Display/keyboard does using Apple's standard display spacings.

Swapping out the Mac Pro for an large screen iMac + kiosk would likely just make room for another MBP or MBA were the iMac was before they moved it. Apple Stores are moving to a much more self-service model, but the iOS app doesn't allow ordering Mac (or other higher priced items stocked in the back). A kiosk tied to a machine that does not sell much only serves to make for longer queues for the products a much larger fraction of the customers do want to buy.
Was an Apple Store and I high volume one

1. There is no official announcement that the Mac Pro has been or will be discontinued.

2. My understanding is that speculating on future products by Apple Store employees is a serious (firing?) offense.

Thus, I seriously doubt this was at an Apple-owned store; perhaps at a reseller, but still, it's unprofessional.

This was the Apple Store at Brent Cross in London. I went back to the store today to pick up my repaired MBAir, seeked out the employee and told him how off base he was. Guy apologized and yet said he'd need to verify. Still clueless. As he is part of the new B2B scheme I question if these guys are not properly trained and vetted.
So the rumor mills have shifted to the positive in the last few days over the possibilities of a new MP. Time will tell. And as a few readers have pointed out the 2x2.8 '08 still has a lot of life.

(Although I find it odd and mildly disconcerting that my 2011 MBP with an Intel 320 SSD boots faster AND feels snappier than my '08 MP with the previous generation SSD).
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