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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 28, 2017
Hi All and thanks in advance for any advice. I've searched the forum and sticky SSD thread but can only find this issue as regards MBPs not Mac Pro.

I'm currently running a Mac Pro 4,1 2x 2.26 flashed to a 5,1. I have recently upgraded the machine to Mojave on a PCIe SSD and I am now having reboots whenever the machine enters prolonged sleep. This happens if I let the machine sleep itself or put it into sleep mode manually. I have unchecked the put hard drives to sleep when possible option in the energy saver control panel.

The WD Black SSD is installed in an ASUS Hyper M2 card. I feel like this is a similar issue to the ejecting USB 3 drives when the PCIe slots are powered down but have no idea if I'm honest.

So far I haven't tried installing things in different slots etc to see if that fixes the problem.

Currently I have

WD Black SSD (TRIM enabled) installed in an ASUS Hyper M2 card in slot 1
RX470 (non EFI) installed in slot 2
A StartTech USB 3.1 card in slot 4


All help and advice welcome and thanks again.
I feel maybe I was searching for the wrong thing. It is likely that the issue I am experiencing is the one in this thread as I am getting the same/similar results on the error reports.

rather than something directly due to the SSD. Still all advice welcome.
Asus Hyper M.2 will never be compatible with a Mac. It's a card that requires Intel Lane Partition and to work it needs:
  1. Chipset support. The only Mac that have have a chipset that implements the hardware part of lane bifurcation is the 2019 Mac Pro, but see item 2.
  2. Firmware support. Macs don't have the firmware support necessary for splitting the lanes and probably never will since it needs to know how to split the lane and how to configure the split plus a pre-boot "BIOS config" menu to select what will be the lane splitting. This need to be done before booting the OS.
A MP7,1 have item 1, but not item 2, it's an accident that some people can use one blade with a 2019 Mac Pro and Asus Hyper M.2.

A MP5,1 don't have both items and definitely don't work correctly.
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Thanks for the heads up. I'll admit I only scanned the list for PCIe cards before the upgrade, but this one was offered to me and as I understood things it'll work fine for mounting one SSD in it. Just not creating a RAID or running more than 1. Currently seems happy booting from it just not sleeping (I know that this doesn't exactly imply 'works'). I'll look into swapping it out for a recommended one soon.

I'm getting the "pmLock: waited too long!" kernel panic mentioned in the other thread and performed the ssd upgrade at the same time as the clean most recent Mojave update so reached the conclusion the issue was ssd releated before os related.

Thanks again for pointing to the relevant threads/issues.
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