What the title says, is this possible?. Of course the cost is out of the question but I'm just curious, thanks in advance.
What the title says, is this possible?. Of course the cost is out of the question but I'm just curious, thanks in advance.
What the title says, is this possible?. Of course the cost is out of the question but I'm just curious, thanks in advance.
Oh and btw.. I believe this 2.66 Quad you are talking about is the 2009 Mac Pro.. in that case you not only need the daughterboard but also the 2010 Back pane to which the daughterboard is attached. So basically you are better off getting a new Mac Pro.
Yes, but you'd need to spend on $1,000 just for the heat sinks and daughterboard...But basically I can still upgrade to 8 cores with this Mac Pro right?. I was just being a perfectionist with the 12-core idea.
But basically I can still upgrade to 8 cores with this Mac Pro right?. I was just being a perfectionist with the 12-core idea.
But basically I can still upgrade to 8 cores with this Mac Pro right?. I was just being a perfectionist with the 12-core idea.
You'd have to replace the daughterboards first. Max you can get to right now is 6 cores.
The maximum amount of cores without replacing backplane and daugtherboard you can get in the 2009 Mac Pro Quad is 4. The 2009 model is NOT upgradable with hex core processors.
According to this article i do not have to upgrade "daughter boards" or anything to upgrade to a 8-core CPU.
Tell me what you guys think. My warranty is already VOID, so this would be worth doing IMO.
BTW, which Mac pro version would mine be? i am looking at ram prices on kingston.com...
Apple - Mac Pro DDR2 (Early 2008)
Apple - Mac Pro DDR3 (Early 2009) 1CPU
Apple - Mac Pro DDR3 (Early 2009) 2CPU
Apple - Mac Pro DDR3 (Mid 2010) 1CPU
Apple - Mac Pro DDR3 (Mid 2010) 2CPU
Apple - Mac Pro Workstation
I am guessing the Early 2009 2CPU, but thats just a guess..
check "apple menu > about this mac" or system profiler and you will find the information you need. if you can provide this forum with the modelidentifier (macpro1,1 2,1 3,1 ?), we can help you in detail.
It's not only possible, it's actually been done by other members.Alright it says DDR2 in the about this mac window, this is definitely the first Intel Xenon Mac Pro to be released. But I am still not sure if that means i can upgrade it to an 8-core, what do you guys think?.
It's not only possible, it's actually been done by other members.Just make sure you get the correct processors and swap them out.
There's other threads on this here in MR, so do a search. You're after Clovertown based Xeons, which are the 53xx series.
The MP 2,66 Quad (4,1)(2009) is upgradable from 35XX to 36XX. From Quadra to Hexa. I just had a msg from the admin of Macbidouille.com and a look at http://www.macbidouille.com/articles/370/page1
Its in french but use Google translate to get some idea of the process. One more thing, the 2009MacPro Quad had two versions, one before October 09 and the other after, it seems the latest is the one that accepts the 36XX hexas.
The OP's machine is not a 2009, but either a 2006 or 2007 (both used the same board and memory; 2007 is when the first quad core CPU's became available to create the first Octad models).
As per the article, they used a 2010 system as the test machine. Unfortunately, the 2009's have different firmware, and can't be upgraded with what resides in a 2010 (it's been tried and didn't work). So the 36xx parts will work in a 2010, but not a 2009 (different steppings in the 36xx series).
Yes, you can create an Octad out of your existing system with the right processors.So mine is still upgradable to two quads.. and is ddr3 memory really that much faster than ddr2?.
The OP's machine is not a 2009, but either a 2006 or 2007 (both used the same board and memory; 2007 is when the first quad core CPU's became available to create the first Octad models).
As per the article, they used a 2010 system as the test machine. Unfortunately, the 2009's have different firmware, and can't be upgraded with what resides in a 2010 (it's been tried and didn't work). So the 36xx parts will work in a 2010, but not a 2009 (different steppings in the 36xx series).
I'd want some confirmation of some sort, such as a screen shot showing the MP Identifier with a Hex core CPU (i.e. 4,1 and W3670, 3680, or 3690).Sorry, but I had a talk with Lionel from Macbidouille/Hardmac and he confirmed that they updated a late 2009-2,66Quad with an Hexacore. Its very confusing, since I read the contrary on most of the threads here. Macbidouille/Hardmac are not AnandTech, but they are very respected and highly qualified. Unless I get a hold on a Intel 36XX hexa, and do the test myself, I guess we'll never know, since the prices are still very high for those CPUs.
The only other possibility that would make any sense to me, is that the specific firmware revision on the 2009 system used, was a beta version of what was the first final release used in the 2010's (i.e. I have heard of a B08 version, though officially, B07 was the latest for the 2009's). Assuming this is the case, it wouldn't be viable for all 2009 users (likely a very small number).