So do you guys think we will see a refresh in June? Earlier everyone was saying q4 2011 or q1 2012.
Personally I don't care if it will have Thunderbolt since I plan to use all internal drives...but sata III would be nice
this can be said a million times
There is no hardware to update with.
There is no hardware to update with.
There is no hardware to update with.
There is no hardware to update with.
The CPU's will be released in Q4/Q1
A Mac Pro refresh, like any Apple computer, can really only happen when Intel updates their CPU line up.
Sandy Bridge desktop CPU's are not due til Q3/Q4 and Xeon until Q4/Q1. This is counter to Intel's normal release cycle which usually sees the high end processors launched first, followed by mainstream and mobile. This cycle, they launched the mobile processors first... we're gonna have to wait.
Apple has previously done refreshes with no new CPUs or chipsets.
Unless it's close, they usually stick to a yearly refresh cycle, whether or not there are new chips. We've just happened to get yearly CPU refreshes for the past while.
Not with the Mac Pro.
Because the Mac Pro has had new CPUs every year so far...
Traditionally, over the history of the pro Mac line in the current matrix, Apple refreshes every year.
Also, Final Cut is on the way out and so is Lion. Chances are very good Apple will bump the Mac Pro around these releases.
I'm not sure why the "not with the Mac Pro" thing carries weight. Apple changed the name from "Power Mac" to "Mac Pro". Changing the name doesn't suddenly mean the entire product refresh rate horrifically shifts.
Because Intel have released new CPUs every year, and Apple have followed those releases with new Mac Pros, except in 2009 where they were able to launch a month early.
Apple will not bump Mac Pros. It makes no financial sense to do so. They will release new Mac Pros when they are able to get a steady supply of LGA 2011 Xeon processors.
I assumed you were talking about some other Mac product as Apple have never updated the Mac Pro without CPU or chipsets. Unless you are talking about the introduction of the RAID card mid-cycle, or the drop in price on 4GB DIMMs mid-cycle.
Traditionally the pro Mac lines get updated every year, with or without new CPUs.
Except every year they have been in line with Intel's new CPU update... Forget about Power PC updates, they have no relevance to potential Mac Pro updates. That was 5 years ago, it is a different Apple and very different world in regard to desktop computers.
I don't follow the financial sense argument... A refresh generates more sales, especially if they can add Light Peak. And no new CPUs mean far less R&D.
They can't add thunderbolt. Apple's problem with refreshing CPU prices, that no other major workstation vendor has, is that they invalidate the existing inventory. No one else boxes up workstations for retail sales and has them sitting around, it is all just in time manufacturing. Apple might shift a few more units, but Apple could shift more units in many other ways that they haven't done. Also why did they not update the processors 10 weeks ago when they were available - or ever before when prices have changed. Companies that sell Intel systems just don't do an overhaul of their product before a major platform change. I'm not saying it isn't possible Apple could do it, just there is no relevant evidence in the history of the Mac Pro. Apple see the Mac Pro as something people who need it buy regardless of what it is like, this has been reiterated by numerous people in the business and Apple have demonstrated it in how the product currently sits.
Also, Apple has generally launched new pro Macs around FCP upgrades.
Aside from the April 2007 addition of the Xeon X5365s and FCP 6 being debuted, I can't think of another time.
Except every year they have been in line with Intel's new CPU update... Forget about Power PC updates, they have no relevance to potential Mac Pro updates. That was 5 years ago, it is a different Apple and very different world in regard to desktop computers.
They can't add thunderbolt.
Apple's problem with refreshing CPU prices, that no other major workstation vendor has, is that they invalidate the existing inventory.
Companies that sell Intel systems just don't do an overhaul of their product before a major platform change.
I'm not saying it isn't possible Apple could do it, just there is no relevant evidence in the history of the Mac Pro.
Apple see the Mac Pro as something people who need it buy regardless of what it is like, this has been reiterated by numerous people in the business and Apple have demonstrated it in how the product currently sits.
The reality is Apple can release new Mac Pros whenever they want.
...I'm sure you are right though. This time will be different and Apple will refresh Mac Pros soon. Next Tuesday seems ideal.
Yet they have always released them around Intel Xeon updates - 6 weeks after, 8 weeks after, 4 weeks before and 5 months after; and haven't: changed pricing, changed or added any ports or slots, updated processor options to reflect Intel's pricing changes or offered new graphics cards despite having many opportunities to. I'm sure you are right though. This time will be different and Apple will refresh Mac Pros soon. Next Tuesday seems ideal.
Yet they have always released them around Intel Xeon updates - 6 weeks after, 8 weeks after, 4 weeks before and 5 months after; and haven't: changed pricing, changed or added any ports or slots, updated processor options to reflect Intel's pricing changes or offered new graphics cards despite having many opportunities to. I'm sure you are right though. This time will be different and Apple will refresh Mac Pros soon. Next Tuesday seems ideal.
They release when new chips are out.
Yeah, again, there is no proof that they only release when new chips are out because Intel so far has done new chips every year... If someone can back this up with evidence instead of circumstance, I'd love to hear it.
There is proof that they release regardless of chip schedule.
Yeah, again, there is no proof that they only release when new chips are out because Intel so far has done new chips every year... If someone can back this up with evidence instead of circumstance, I'd love to hear it.
There is proof that they release regardless of chip schedule.
Didn't 1366 become a "dead socket" already in December? It does not sound like Apple to "use last-generation cpu but....but...IMPLEMENT THUNDERBOLT!1!1!" it wouldn't generate enough sales
Apple's dealioo really is not 6-months-updates-just-to-keep-up-with-hardware, not in any of their products. But when those happen, and they do, they are usually "silent updates" like 0.2Ghz faster CPU. Thunderbolt + new GPU can't be a silent update.
So when SB Xeons drop and Apple then updates the models, will that be enough proof for you?
For posterity what did they release that was not in line with chip schedule? Only Mac Pro. No macbook airs.
When FW800 dropped the Power Macs got their own revision. No CPU upgrades. Not even a ghz bump. And this was right before a major new CPU release.
FW800 debuted on the Powerbook, and made it's way to the Power Macs in a minor revision within a few months that was not based on CPU upgrades. So if we are using history as a guide for this exact situation...