One of my worst fears has come to pass, not hearing a "Bonnng!" followed by seeing the gray apple on my trusty 2008 Mac Pro. After beginning a major project for work last week (of course) I put it to sleep for the night, came back the next day, and nothing. After pulling all but the primary hard drive and original RAM, resetting SMC or whatever it is called these days, attempting a PRAM reset, and firmware button reset, I get nothing but fans and a blinking power light. No logic board status lights are lit and the riser card lights flash at boot as they should.
Had to resort to lugging the 50lb beast to the Apple store that is 70 miles away.
Genius tried most of the usual tricks: target disk, SMC reset, etc. before "admitting" it for repair with "no idea what could be wrong," over $1500 of parts on order and an estimated repair time of 10-14 days
I don't see much in the way of information or history on Mac Pro repairs here; what, if any experiences have you all had with desktop repairs in-store? I've read various horror stories online about Mac Pro repairs starting then they cascade until the computer is either out of warranty or replaced as a "lemon."
Had to resort to lugging the 50lb beast to the Apple store that is 70 miles away.
Genius tried most of the usual tricks: target disk, SMC reset, etc. before "admitting" it for repair with "no idea what could be wrong," over $1500 of parts on order and an estimated repair time of 10-14 days
I don't see much in the way of information or history on Mac Pro repairs here; what, if any experiences have you all had with desktop repairs in-store? I've read various horror stories online about Mac Pro repairs starting then they cascade until the computer is either out of warranty or replaced as a "lemon."