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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 28, 2011
I am looking to pick up a Mac Pro sooner than later. I am curious if I pickup the "server" edition with a single CPU if it has 2 CPU sockets, only with one in use? I can't seem to find anything on the internet... I know when I purchase xservers (RIP) they had 2 sockets.

Thanks for any info!!
I'm guessing the server edition is exactly the same as the client version. At least the old server towers were.

(Well, I take that back a bit. Back in the early 2000's the Mac servers had some additional hardware, but the board was still the same.)
I'm guessing the server edition is exactly the same as the client version. At least the old server towers were.

(Well, I take that back a bit. Back in the early 2000's the Mac servers had some additional hardware, but the board was still the same.)

I'm guessing your right - I only really raise the question because this is the only version of the Mac Pro that you can pick single / dual CPU in the ordering screen on I'll email my apple rep and see if she may know, I'd love the ability to upgrade in the future.
I'm guessing your right - I only really raise the question because this is the only version of the Mac Pro that you can pick single / dual CPU in the ordering screen on I'll email my apple rep and see if she may know, I'd love the ability to upgrade in the future.

On the pre 2k9 models the single CPU machines shipped with 2 sockets, 1 filled. Since 2009 the single CPU machines don't have a second socket to my knowledge. The server edition machine is the same as the current normal hardware, though at base specced slightly higher than the normal base and comes with a license for OSX Server
I am looking to pick up a Mac Pro sooner than later. I am curious if I pickup the "server" edition with a single CPU if it has 2 CPU sockets, only with one in use? I can't seem to find anything on the internet... I know when I purchase xservers (RIP) they had 2 sockets.

Thanks for any info!!

I'd say pool the extra money for the DP model, just make sure it's the lowest one, that way you can get the extra heatsink for when you do upgrade the CPU as Apple charges an obscene amount for those otherwise.
I am looking to pick up a Mac Pro sooner than later. I am curious if I pickup the "server" edition with a single CPU if it has 2 CPU sockets, only with one in use? I can't seem to find anything on the internet... I know when I purchase xservers (RIP) they had 2 sockets.

Thanks for any info!!

No Mac Pro currently comes with an empty socket.
See what Active Storage offers in the next day or two.

The current Rumor Mill says they might be picking up where the XServe left off.

e: I see you weren't interested in a server, my bad. But still - lik everybody said, no empty sockets since the Nehalem machines rolled out.

Thanks for the info all, I'm glad I did not place the order without double checking - that could have been most irritating.... I decided to go for the 8 core. My plan is not really to use it as a production server (we are an HP Blade shop all in VMWare) but to give me a workstation powerful enough to test many virtual servers at once. My dell sounded like it was going to explode with 2 server 2008 and a linux server loaded up...
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