I know this is purely speculation but I'm curious whether anyone has any "past experience" with long ship times like the Mac Pro right now and how soon we might be seeing that time decrease to a reasonable week or two tops?
I'd rather wait a few weeks knowing it might decrease the shiptime from it's current 3-4 weeks to a reasonable 1-2 or less. I don't want to spend nearly $4000 and have to wait a month before I get it, I'd rather spend the $4000 and get the sucker sooner. I know... same thing, but after typing in the CC# and waiting for a month just isn't cool. My mind can't handle that long of a wait.
I'd rather wait a few weeks knowing it might decrease the shiptime from it's current 3-4 weeks to a reasonable 1-2 or less. I don't want to spend nearly $4000 and have to wait a month before I get it, I'd rather spend the $4000 and get the sucker sooner. I know... same thing, but after typing in the CC# and waiting for a month just isn't cool. My mind can't handle that long of a wait.