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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 29, 2006
I hope there I am just being a noob but I got my new Mac Pro out of the box just minutes ago and plugged in my old pc speakers to the sound out on the back and nothing, the internal speaker continues to function and the self powered externals do nothing. If I plug the external speakers to the headphone jack on the front they work fine. The internal speaker shuts off and the plugged in speakers work properly. Am I missing something I admit I am new to Macs and am hoping I am missing a setting or something. I am a little frantic right now its a long ship back to the factory but for the money I want everthying to work. Any ideas? Thanks.
Did you take a look at your sound settings in the system prefs? I'm taking a guess that your issue has something to do with the output settings.
Don't I feel like an idiot

FistfulofAngst said:
Did you take a look at your sound settings in the system prefs? I'm taking a guess that your issue has something to do with the output settings.

Ok so I looked in sound preferences now it seems to work. I guess I was having a spaz attack. I am so excited with my new machine and playing around the new stuff that I forget to check the basics before I box it up and ship it back to apple. Thanks for the help. Its like being 4yrs old and its Christmas morning I want to play with everthing at once.
piltupso said:
Ok so I looked in sound preferences now it seems to work. I guess I was having a spaz attack. I am so excited with my new machine and playing around the new stuff that I forget to check the basics before I box it up and ship it back to apple. Thanks for the help. Its like being 4yrs old and its Christmas morning I want to play with everthing at once.

Hey no prob. I know what you mean, when I first got my mac the user manual went right over the shoulder then I went straight for the power button.

Congratulations on your Mac Pro, it's a beautiful machine.
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