Just to add another data point, I've also recently returned a configured MP7,1. Honestly, I'd ask for a new sales rep!
I've just had a hell of a few months with buying and returning stuff, for illustration's sake:
- First I ordered a high spec MBP16 to see if I could live with just a laptop. I couldn't.
- Returned that and ordered a Mac Pro.
- Realised the spec I'd ordered was wrong, so returned that and re-ordered with a better spec.
- Ordered an XDR at the same time because my sales rep said "they're back-ordered, so order it now to get in the queue, and if you decide you don't want one, cancel".
- That shipped out earlier than expected, so I didn't have time to cancel it. Decided I may as well see what all the fuss was about.
- Wasn't impressed (4k @ 120hz > 6k @ 60hz), so I returned it.
- Finally, I realised I still needed a laptop, so purchased a base MBP16.
Which all looks absolutely ridiculous now that I've written it out! But there we are. You'll be fine.