Hi there folks .Newbie to any type of forums and this is my very first attempt.
My problem:I have a 27" imac and photoshop CS4 .Genuine copy (not pirate), as I do wedding photography as a part time hobby.I've done all the editing and manipulation.I've saved everything to disk on the Mac .No problem.
I want to give my customers a disk so they can go to Walmart/ASDA etc or use there home PCs to take as many copies as they wish. But my disk will only show all the photos on my Mac not my PC .All I want is to make my RAW photos change to jpeg ( Am I being a bit dim) .I've only been a Mac user for around 5 months and I'm still learning. I can make slideshows to play on both PC and Mac. So why wont it work for photos
Presumably, you're using the Mac OS X built-in disc burning and not an application like Toast Titanium.
This support page should do you fine... 10.6 isn't listed as one of the products affected but it should work fine in SL. And ignore the stuff involving iPhoto if you're not using it. As long as you have your directory of photos you want to burn. http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1257