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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 7, 2003
I have successfully set up a home network between an iMac (OS X) and a PC (Win98SE). I am able to open the shared folders from the PC on the Mac, but not the reverse. When I try to open the Mac folder from the PC, I am asked for a password (which I thought was the same as my Mac logon password), but it will not accept what I enter. I even tried resetting my Mac password, but that did not change anything.

Another problem I am having is that I am unable to transfer files from the Mac back to the PC. For example, If I try to drag a file on the Mac desktop into one of the shared PC folders, the error messages says, "Operation can't be completed, you don't have sufficent priveleges".

Recap of my problems.
1. PC to Mac can't open Mac shared folder on PC due to password problem

2. Can't place files from Mac into PC shared folder

Thanks for taking time to read this, any help is greatly appreciated.
I don't know how much help this will be but...

98 SE Is BADDDDDD for networking. You probably are prompted for a UserName/Pass when log into Win98SE and you might be hitting ESC to get past this. This is actually your log in to Windows Networking when you hit the ESC, it loads the default user.

That being said... in order to hit the OS X box from the PC, the user u're using on the PC must have an ACCOUNT on the Mac. And must have the "Login from Windows" enabled on the account.

This is a UNIX thing and it's not changable to my knowledge.

I'd create a user on the PC and use it. Either make it the same as your Mac user name/pass (not real secure) or add a user to both sides (mac and pc).

That should allow you if you have Personal File Sharing enabled on your Mac, to get to your files from your PC.

This may also be your issue with placing the Files from a Mac to a PC but I doubt it. You may be running into the following issue... bit me in the butt when I was trying to store my MP3's on my PC's 80GB HD and use them on my Mac. PCs cannot have file names with certain characters in it. \ or / or : or * or < or > or |. Your files may contain these names.

This is a start and a lot to check over...I'd recommend if you really want this to work and you can get a copy of Windows 2000 Pro, you might want to change that Win98SE machine (if it can support Win2K Pro) to a NT level machine. 98 sucked for Networking.


MacBoyX is correct - it's a UNIX thing - but not necessarily a bad thing - use it to your advantage.

Solution: Create a Proxy Account.

On the Mac, create a new account, whose sole purpose is to connect to the windows machine, it's credentials exactly the same as that on the 98SE machine. Don't let the proxy be an admin user. Then open the proxy accounts permissiona all the way to everything Read&Write.

Then set an alias of the home folder of the proxy account on the desktop of the main account. There you go!
One Problem Solved

Thanks, MacBoy. I entered my info at the Windows log in box and it worked. I can now get to the Mac folders from the PC.

Still working on moving files....
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