I have a simple question. Extremely simple.
How to connect to PC from my Mac? To be able to mount its HD's on the desktop.
I have: PB, ethernet cable, PC.
OS X 10.3.2 & Win XP
What do I need to type and where? What checkboxes to uncheck? Both on X and XP.
Please help me!
(I did it many times... I know how to. But it still looks like a dark magic. Step-by-step. I want to know, where I make mistakes.)
Thank You!
I have a simple question. Extremely simple.
How to connect to PC from my Mac? To be able to mount its HD's on the desktop.
I have: PB, ethernet cable, PC.
OS X 10.3.2 & Win XP
What do I need to type and where? What checkboxes to uncheck? Both on X and XP.
Please help me!
(I did it many times... I know how to. But it still looks like a dark magic. Step-by-step. I want to know, where I make mistakes.)
Thank You!