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macrumors newbie
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Aug 22, 2006
Is it worth getting the 2.0Ghz book if you aren't planning on using the Superdrive more than a little bit? $150 (after the student discount) for a little bit of superdrive (portability isn't an issue with the DVD writer) and the extra 170Mhz? Just looking for the conventional wisdom here, thanks...
haliasif said:
Is it worth getting the 2.0Ghz book if you aren't planning on using the Superdrive more than a little bit? $150 (after the student discount) for a little bit of superdrive (portability isn't an issue with the DVD writer) and the extra 170Mhz? Just looking for the conventional wisdom here, thanks...

I'd go for it, you never know when you'll need to burn a DVD. Especially if you work with large amounts of files, or large files for school, you may have to put them on a DVD to provide them to a group member or professor. Also, DVDs are wonderful for backing up your personal files, so thats another reason. Also, who knows when you'll need to make a "backup" of a movie you "personally" own ;)
haliasif said:
Is it worth getting the 2.0Ghz book if you aren't planning on using the Superdrive more than a little bit? $150 (after the student discount) for a little bit of superdrive (portability isn't an issue with the DVD writer) and the extra 170Mhz? Just looking for the conventional wisdom here, thanks...

The conventional wisdom, I believe, is to buy the best computer you can afford, as they become out of date so quickly. Your decision should be: can I really afford the extra $150? If yes, go for it. If no, do without.
Gee said:
The conventional wisdom, I believe, is to buy the best computer you can afford, as they become out of date so quickly. Your decision should be: can I really afford the extra $150? If yes, go for it. If no, do without.

yeah, i guess it just comes down to me being a little cheapish.. its kind of like i try to do these little cost benefit analysis things in my head. i don't mind the extra 150.. i just want to make sure the 150 gives me at least somewhat of a proportianal amount more of computer for it.
If you're willing to go Refurb you could get the 2.0 for the same cost as the 1.83 new, or there abouts, from what I know
meanpeoplesuck said:
If you're willing to go Refurb you could get the 2.0 for the same cost as the 1.83 new, or there abouts, from what I know
Yeah you should get a refurbed 2ghz from what ive heard they are just as good.
i read somewhere that you won't notice a performance gain in CPUs unless there is a 10% difference in speed. For example, you would definately notice the bang with the 2.66GHz Mac Pro over the 2.0GHz model, but the difference between the 2.66 and the 3.0 won't be as big.

I've used both the 2.0 and the 1.83GHz MacBooks, and the 2.0 is only a little bit faster, and I could only notice it when pushing the CPU. I think it got 3-4 fps faster in Handbrake than mine.

If you don't mind having an external DVD burner, it might be a better option, because the external ones can burn 4 times faster than the internal one.
Well, I use my superdrive at least once-twice a week. You might find a use for it later on. Buy the 2.0. A lot more attractive when selling, as someone else already pointed out.
I would personally rather spend my $150 on a 16x dual layer external drive than on a 4x internal drive. Burning at 4x stinks!
Go for the MacBook 2.0 refurb for $1099.00

Many refurbs also come with extra goodness like larger HD's or extra RAM.

You can still use your education discount for extras like software and accessories.

If your needs are just very basic, Apple is also still offering
12"iBook 1.33 GHz refurbs for $799.00
Being that you get an upped processor AND a SuperDrive, I say go for the 2GHz white model. However, whether it be refurb or new is up to you. :)
Actually I was thinking about the same: should I buy a 1.83 which is cheaper or a 2.0 just for the superdrive (I don't think I'd notice the difference 170mhz makes while using the regular stuff)

I have an iMac with the Superdrive at home so it was not important for me that much, but as others said if you need a dvd burner later then you could buy an external one, it will be faster too.

To be honest I hadn't thought about the value when I want to sell it. But I don't mind it either now as I am planning to use it for a long time.

By the way if you decide on the 1.83 one and don't mind whether if it's refurb, you can buy also that one refurbished saving more.
So I guess I'm the only person who's going to stand up and say to get the 1.83 GHz model instead of the 2.0 GHz.

If you're one of those people who doesn't burn many disks, and you end up burning 3-4 DVDs over the lifespan of your laptop, then you're essentially paying $40 or $50 for each DVD.

And as for resale're paying an extra $150 to get something you don't need. You're paying $150 more for this laptop, so of course you're gonna get higher resale value. You may get more money when selling your laptop later, but your gain may not even be $150.

The entire "What if you need it one day?" mindset is how marketers always get customers to pay more money for something they don't need. I don't even know why so many people here are suggesting you pay for something you're quite sure you won't use.
You're a student which means you get the free iPod if you buy new instead of refurb. If you're not going to burn DVDs you shouldn't pay $150 more for the opportunity. Also, when reselling, your not going to get the whole $150 you paid for those slight benefits back. You should buy the 1.83 new and sell the iPod. Done and done
sorry for bumbing this old thread, but seems to be relevant to me atm,

i agree with a both sides of the arguement, i have a 12" powerbook with combo drive, and at times i wished i had a dvd writter for the convience of burnining a dvd in my room rather then xfer the files on to the NAS then burn on my 16x on my desktop.

so is the extra $$ worth it. IMHO nah.. if you got a dvd burning in your house already then u can easily xfer it accross and burn at much higher speeds, prob get it done faster then the 4x.

i would rather get a bigger HDD instead and then get a external HDD to move stuff arrond.

oh well looks like i solved my own problem..too

1.83 here i come :D

If you are going to keep your MB until it dies, then get the basic config since you say you don't need the Superdrive (although, DVD-R comes in handy when making's not just for burning movies).

If you think you might upgrade in a couple years and sell off the MB then get the SD model. It will make your machine MUCH easier to sell.
That is true... got a NAS so no real problems for backups..

but getting resale value i agree with getting s superdrive, i have currently got a 887Mhz powerbook G4, and had it for years so i do tend to keep them as long as i possibly can..

though the powerbook still going strong!! amazing lil beast

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