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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 26, 2016
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys, I need help here.

I want to get the MacBook 12" 2017 but torn between the m3 and i5. I will only use this laptop for private use, such as Netflix, browsing, watch movies, do a bit of words, excels but no video editing whatsoever. However, I tend to open a lot of apps at once(just those apps really)

Do you guys think I should just go for the m3, 256gb and 8gb ram or upgrade to 16gb ram and i5 ?

I heard m3 is better because it does not generate heats easily ?

Thanks for your help.


macrumors regular
Oct 6, 2013
The basic model will suits your requirements just fine. In fact, buying more than that is a waste of money for your needs.


macrumors G5
Jun 18, 2017
Check out my 2017 MacBook performance thread:

Conclusion: m3 is enough, and in fact the performance improvement from the i5 is at best marginal.

Get the m3 and either 8 or 16 GB depending on your needs. I went with m3 / 16 GB / 256 GB and I am very pleased with my choice. IMO the only good reason to get the i5 is to get 512 GB storage.
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macrumors 68020
Jan 23, 2017
The base model is more than sufficient. Apple milked quite a lot of performance out of such a low power chip.

IMO, purchasing the upgraded 2017 CPU options (which are the same CPUs and just individual models that tested better) is only justifiable if storage upgrades are needed or someone is doing tasks where gaining a very marginal performance increase is still justified despite a very small dollar-to-performance gain.
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