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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 21, 2021

I am the owner of a MacBook Air 13" (Early 2014). Until recently, the computer served me without any problems throughout the entire period from the purchase of the equipment. Unfortunately, two weeks ago, I had a problem with turning on my MacBook for the first time. After pressing the "power button" only soft ticks could be heard. After many attempts and after recharging the computer, the Macbook turned on and then functioned normally without any problems during use. I checked my computer with Apple Diagnostics and it showed no problems or errors. I also checked that the battery was charging properly and that the power supply was working without any problems.

During several further attempts to turn it on, the computer also started normally, but the problem returned after a few days in a similar form - again, after several minutes of attempts, the computer turned on and ran normally. Since then, the problem seems to occur on a regular basis - it only seems to me that such problems mainly occur after a long period of non-use of the computer (e.g. two or three days). Sometimes when I try to turn on the computer, I can hear only the rustle of fans and the sound of trying to turn on the computer, but nothing happens afterwards.

Have any of you experienced such a problem? Probably some kind of hardware issue. The computer is already old, so I would prefer not to put a lot of money into diagnosis or repair, because it's probably not worth it considering the current value of the computer. On the other hand, it showed no problems up to this fault and was perfectly sufficient for occasional use in simple activities, so it could still be used for some time.

Thanks for any advice!
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