Has anyone else tried using Handbrake with their MBA? If so, how many fps are you encoding at? I'm currently doing a movie and its going on avg 4 fps. Seems a bit low for a 1.8ghz C2D MBA? Any thoughts? Thanks.
Hi, I've encoded about a dozen or more episodes of Seinfeld from DVD, I did a two pass encoding the first pass was almost 50 fps, the second pass was 23-25fps. I've got the MacMagazine Air 1.8 with SSD.
Everyone, let's call it the MacMagazine Air, it's too thin to be called a book.
What setting are you encoding on? I'm doing mine with the preset toggle on Apple TV with a bitrate of 2500.
The dreaded question is -- did it shutdown a core when you encode?
I did check my activity monitor and a core is shutting down. Does this happen with every MacBook Air? I was not aware of this until now. Is this fixable by Apple?
Core should only be shutting down due to heat.... check your temps and verify that the computer isn't overheating...
I'm checking the temperature and its running at CPU A: 90 degrees. I noticed the fan is still at 0rpm and does not turn on!
Ouch!!! fan should always be at a minimum of 2500 rpm... and I believe the temp for core shutdown is 100 degrees.... I suggest you get that MBA into the nearest store and get a replacement.... fan should never be at 0rpm
try putting this command into a terminal window if you have smcfan control installed.... it will tell the computer to use up to 6200rpm on the fan...
/Applications/smcFanControl.app/Contents/Resources/smc -k F0Mx -w 60e0
Thanks for your help and the advice. Yea from iStat the fan stays at 0rpm. No wonder the other core shuts down due to heat. I have an appointment tomorrow at the local Apple store. Hopefully they can order me a replacement so that I can receive it before Saturday to take it on my vacation to Rome on sunday. Wish me luck!
Well, we've discovered your encoding speed problem...
Yea I read on Apple's forum site that this has happened to quite a few people. I'll report what happens later today. Thanks again for all the help everyone and realizing my machine had some sort of deficiency.
wow thats crazy
glad you got your computer replaced. i would have been pissssed
Using Apple TV present, average encoding rate is about 5-10fps. I am one hour in, and neither of the cores has shutdown at all.
Thanks for the heads up. I'll report what I'm getting when I get my replacement MBA back.
I have to say that the speed that I am encoding is scary fast. My brothers G4 Powerbook takes 4 hours to encode a 2 hour movie. But it only takes me an hour with handbrake. I am using the iphone/ipod touch format. I am using coolbook because I noticed one of my cores was shutting down. Now my Air run's really cool when encoding and the core does not shut down any more.