why not getting a powerpc processor mac? , they are still good performingDon't buy PowerPC based Macs. iMac comes with a display so I would get one but make sure it's Intel
why not getting a powerpc processor mac? , they are still good performing
and the lamp (iMac g4 ) 20 inch is a design icon for collectors , and still usable
for normal use
the used intel macs are way overpriced , in most cases they are sold at a price range that brings them already close to a basic NEW version of the same mac , on which you got warranty
They DON'T perform well. ANY Intel Mac is faster than PPC (excluding G5 PowerMacs and maybe iMacs). There is no support for PPC anymore and buying one is waste of money IMO unless you would use it as a server or smth like that.
Sure they can still be used but almost all web sites have Flash nowadays and they just can't handle it properly. Why not to pay little more and get Mac that is still supported in future
my eMac has no problems with flash , i dont know what all the fuss is about with intel
my eMac has no problems with flash , i dont know what all the fuss is about with intel
Does Youtube videos work without lag? How about websites with Flash content? I don't have a PPC Mac so I'm just telling what I've heard... But seriously, PPC is old, admit it. Buy one is same as buying a PC with Pentium 4 inside. Sure it works but is it worth it?
Any Intel Mac you get now is going to kick the crap out of any PPC Mac you'll get. But that's not even why you shouldn't get one. Apple has stopped supporting PPC on new versions of OSX. This may not seem like a big deal now since PPCs can use Leopard and the current is Snow Leopard; but as new versions of the OS come out, you'll be stuck with Leopard for all eternity.
.., they might be better , faster or whatever ,but i love the old mac's and so far apart from hd video i did not come across anything i could not do with them ,
and i think they look more authentic with the older operating systems , but thats just my opinion , you dont have to agree or follow me there
when i tried leopard on my eMac (which did not improve the overall performance on my eMac ) i felt like i had committed a crime and showed remorse and put tiger back on....
but i have to say i dont use the computer at home to earn money with it , just for fun and as a hobby ,so i prefer style over high performance and i have seen snow leopard and used it when i setup a mates iMac i7 , its just too flashy , dont like that at all
when i tried leopard on my eMac (which did not improve the overall performance on my eMac ) i felt like i had committed a crime and showed remorse and put tiger back on....