I thought with all the talk about release dates bringing up how new products (especially laptops) are released could be of use for some of us. Sorry, I don't have any relevant information but if anyone else had any knowledge of rumored confrences or upcoming stages worthy of an update. With some talk of a redisigned MBA (not saying it's going to happen, but reserving hope) surely a silent update would not do justice. So...
1. Are there annual confrences that Apple joins, if so what time of the year?
2. What are the opinions of this board on whether one believes there will be a silent update or a call of confrence.
3. Apple just had a confrence, would they have another so soon? (If not it seems likely MacBooks will only get minor bumps?)
I feel this thread may be beating a dead horse for some, but I feel it may be informative for others, so any opinions would be helpful. I've been waiting since my birthday in December and the wait is killing me!
1. Are there annual confrences that Apple joins, if so what time of the year?
2. What are the opinions of this board on whether one believes there will be a silent update or a call of confrence.
3. Apple just had a confrence, would they have another so soon? (If not it seems likely MacBooks will only get minor bumps?)
I feel this thread may be beating a dead horse for some, but I feel it may be informative for others, so any opinions would be helpful. I've been waiting since my birthday in December and the wait is killing me!