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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 5, 2007
I'm starting a poll as to when apple will discontinue the macbook air because of poor sales. Anyone in?

I am taking November 2008.


macrumors member
Jan 22, 2008
I'm starting a poll as to when apple will discontinue the macbook air because of poor sales. Anyone in?

I am taking November 2008.

You know, I bet Apple hasn't even sold ONE yet!

Heheheh! Stupid Apple, making a product that didn't personally suit me...


macrumors 6502a
Mar 31, 2007
I'm starting a poll as to when apple will discontinue the macbook air because of poor sales. Anyone in?

I am taking November 2008.

Haha I would love to agree, but i got slated by a couple of others on here as they were rated 3rd or 4th on the Amazon list

as if that makes a difference


macrumors Core
Aug 17, 2007
I believe that the Air is a niche product and therefore won't have great sales numbers, but Apple already knows that and won't give up on it so soon.


macrumors 68020
Apr 5, 2005
My Mac
Wow, the orders haven't arrived to their respective owners yet and we have a D-Day?


macrumors 68020
Dec 6, 2007
I don't think they'll fade them out this year, but I do think we're either going to see some drastic price cuts (a la the iPhone) or, more likely, an aggressive push to bring its stats closer to that of the fully-featured laptops they already sell.


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2006
Costa Rica
I have a feeling that someday this thread (and all others related to the MBA) may be remembered as the infamous thread 500.

By the way, if some of you want a good laugh, then read that thread.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 5, 2007
I have a feeling that someday this thread (and all others related to the MBA) may be remembered as the infamous thread 500.

By the way, if some of you want a good laugh, then read that thread.

I don't think so ... I thought the Ipod would revolutionize the way we interact with our music.

I am never wrong ... the MB Air will die.

Month and year please.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 5, 2007
I have a feeling that someday this thread (and all others related to the MBA) may be remembered as the infamous thread 500.

By the way, if some of you want a good laugh, then read that thread.

The MB air is definately a niche product. Its in the niche of costing a ton of money and serving no useful purpose. (ahem Lisa, Ahem, Apple III, Ahem Powermac Cube)


macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2006
Costa Rica
The MB air is definately a niche product. Its in the niche of costing a ton of money and serving no useful purpose. (ahem Lisa, Ahem, Apple III, Ahem Powermac Cube)

When the iPod was introduced it was also for a niche product for an almost inexistent market. I mean, mp3 players in the day were not even close of becoming mainstream, and people said that people would never transfer their music into a computer, that it was ridiculous to think so. I mean, who would want to carry their music everywhere?! Ridiculous. :rolleyes: See the relation here? Maybe the current MBA wont be revolutionary, but it will be the keyston for the next gen's of it, which will be.

Those are just my 2 cents by the way.


macrumors 68030
Oct 7, 2003
it won't discontinue. The will lower the price like they have done with every product in the past year because it wasn't selling how they expected. because they were overpriced.:)


macrumors 68020
Dec 6, 2007
I have a feeling that someday this thread (and all others related to the MBA) may be remembered as the infamous thread 500.

By the way, if some of you want a good laugh, then read that thread.

You can't reasonably compare a Macbook Air to an iPod. For one thing, Apple had never sold an mp3 player, and mp3 players were quite new in general (nevermind hard-drive players at that). A more accurate comparison would be to Apple's initial forays into the consumer laptop market with the clamshell iBooks--and that *still* wouldn't come close to describing the scale with which the iPod swept the mp3 market. Face it--the Macbook Air is just another addition to Apple's computer line, with the expected marketing push behind it. It is in no way comparable to the iPod in terms of marketability, or firsts, or innovation, or...anything. I'm sure people were eager to compare the Mac Mini to the iPod when others were talking about how irrelevant that would become as well. Surprise, surprise--the mini changed almost nothing in Apple's market share. However, at least the Mini wasn't priced halfway between the iMac and the Mac Pro. That's what Apple is trying with the Air--shoving an underweight and underpowered laptop in between two far more capable machines and trying to make a killing on it. Someone should remind Apple why they skipped that idea with the Mini.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2005
Alta Loma, CA
What's most amusing to me is the hundreds, if not thousands of people who thought that the iPod was the stupidest thing ever. It's most interesting that it's the same people who can not afford these things that are complain about them.

Stands true with the Air. The people that I have heard from (in real life) that think it's a bad product are the same people who couldn't afford one anyway. I think a Bentley is a pretty lame car.. and hey, I couldn't afford one anyway.

Yes, the Air is a niche product, WE KNOW THAT. It's a PERFECT fit for many people. People that don't need the power of a Macbook Pro, and don't want the bulk of a Macbook. My Macbook Pro works for me. The Air does not. The Air is perfect for my wife. She wanted one, she ordered one, and I would bet that she will put more hours on it in the first month than my Pro has in the last 6 months.

I'm so confused as to why people feel the need to tell us about what the WONT buy. Who cares? I won't buy an iPod Shuffle. Do you want to know why? No? I didn't think so.

Anyway. We get it. You don't like it. Get over it. Move on. Hell, go get Dell's new World of Warcraft notebook. It's like 11lbs. maybe a better fit some of you.


macrumors 65816
Oct 19, 2003
It won't die because of poor sales, but eventually the MBP will be redesigned and become thin enough so the difference is negligible.

Don't underestimate the willingness of people to pay for coolness factor. Apple knows this.
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