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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 22, 2022
Hi, my brand new MB Air M1 2020 drains battery when sleeping. This is output of pmset -g assertions, I can see Handoff there. Is there any way to keep Handoff turned on, but put my MacBook to really sleep when I close the lid? Thank you so much.

2022-03-22 11:12:14 +0100
Assertion status system-wide:
BackgroundTask 0
ApplePushServiceTask 0
UserIsActive 1
PreventUserIdleDisplaySleep 0
PreventSystemSleep 0
ExternalMedia 0
PreventUserIdleSystemSleep 1
NetworkClientActive 0
Listed by owning process:
pid 353(WindowServer): [0x0000156000098efa] 00:00:00 UserIsActive named: " serviceID:10000079a name:AppleHIDKeyboardEve product:Apple Internal Keyb eventType:3"

Timeout will fire in 180 secs Action=TimeoutActionRelease

pid 578(sharingd): [0x00001a2d00019063] 00:02:38 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "Handoff"

pid 299(powerd): [0x000016af00018f4a] 00:17:33 PreventUserIdleSystemSleep named: "Powerd - Prevent sleep while display is on"

No kernel assertions.
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Mar 31, 2022
Sorry I don't understand. I am new to Mac, can you explain more please?

If you're still wondering..

System Preferences > General > (bottom) Allow Handoff...
you can also search (top right)

In my case, turning off Handoff helped, but solve the continuous wake up issues. As I understand it, Apple thinks the M1 is consumer so little power, it's more convenient that it "wakes up to do a few things". Although some nights I losing 10% per hour, waking up every minute. 🤦‍♀️

Screen Shot 2022-05-13 at 14.45.29.png
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