Hi, I have a Macbook whose battery failed so I decided to temporarily use without the battery running Linux for a couples a days, two days there was power surge in my area while I was using it.
Yesterday while the MacBooks was playing music sitting there alone it suddenly shut down, At first I thought it was the Macbook that had died but then later find out that the charger got spoiled.
Since I had another MagSafe 2 charger but with broken connector I swapped the connector. Now the issue I should that when I plug in the charger the current or the light on charger does not turn orange hasn't there no battery or even power on.
At first it managed to turn on but thébaïde keyboard was not working so I open the MacBook and notice that the trackpad cable was not connected properly and after connecting it properly and then connect the charger nothing work and as soon as I remove the connector the MacBook receive the current or something like that from the charger and I am able'to turn it on but the keyboard also still does work.
Yesterday while the MacBooks was playing music sitting there alone it suddenly shut down, At first I thought it was the Macbook that had died but then later find out that the charger got spoiled.
Since I had another MagSafe 2 charger but with broken connector I swapped the connector. Now the issue I should that when I plug in the charger the current or the light on charger does not turn orange hasn't there no battery or even power on.
At first it managed to turn on but thébaïde keyboard was not working so I open the MacBook and notice that the trackpad cable was not connected properly and after connecting it properly and then connect the charger nothing work and as soon as I remove the connector the MacBook receive the current or something like that from the charger and I am able'to turn it on but the keyboard also still does work.