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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 5, 2007
Would you guys choose a Macbook Pro over an Air if the price difference is only 100 bucks?

Thanks to a special tax-incentive at my employer (complicated, it’s a Belgian thing :) ) I can buy tech with an immense discount. The options I’m looking at are:

Macbook Air M3 13” (base model with the new 16GB ram) for 591€ (about 636 USD)
Macbook Pro M4, 14” (base model) for 679€ (about 731 USD)

The difference is only 95 bucks. What would you guys do? Always go for the Pro (better computer but bulkier, heavier) or is the Air a better option?

(and no, I know what you‘re thinking, but I won’t be buying both, that’s not allowed :) )
Do you foresee needing the ports on the MBP (HDMI and SD)? As for portability it's a personal thing. 300gr is usually something one can "feel" when carrying even though it isn't that much of a difference. The actual dimensions aren't that very different between them AFAIK.

EDIT: I have an older MBP (the late 2013 model) and an 11" MBA. There's a distinct difference in portability between them and I prefer the MBA. But I don't need the ports that the MBP has so the MBA therefore does not limit me. Make a plus and minus list based on your needs and you'll find your answer.
Air is king for maximum portability and arguably style, but otherwise Pro all day every day. Different class of computer entirely. Speakers and display alone make the Air feel like something from 2010 by way of comparison.
Do you foresee needing the ports on the MBP (HDMI and SD)? As for portability it's a personal thing. 300gr is usually something one can "feel" when carrying even though it isn't that much of a difference. The actual dimensions aren't that very different between them AFAIK.

EDIT: I have an older MBP (the late 2013 model) and an 11" MBA. There's a distinct difference in portability between them and I prefer the MBA. But I don't need the ports that the MBP has so the MBA therefore does not limit me. Make a plus and minus list based on your needs and you'll find your answer.
The ports are not that important to me. The main reasons I’m thinking about the Pro are the better screen, speakers & battery life. And I reckon it’s also a bit more future-proof because of the M4-chip, as compared to the M3 in the Air.

But I do like how thin the Air is. But the MBP is the better computer overall, I think…
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I’ll be carrying it in a backpack about 2 times a week. So not every day. Is it that much less portable than the Air?

If you'd been carrying it around all the time, the extra weight would be noticeable over time (as others have touched upon), but in a backpack from A to B (or even to C) and back, just a few times a week it would be negligible, IMHO.

So then it's down to style preference and price, and with the pro being - objectivly - a far superior machine in every way, especially after the M4 upgrade, I'd go with the pro any time.

PS! I have a MacBook Air M1 at home and a Macbook Air M2 at work, and are kind of fond of the airs, but at the moment - if I had to replace my home machine - I'd buy a 14" MBP without even considering the M3 Air. (Edit: Now if I'd go for a "regular" M4 or an M4pro inside is another discussion... ;))
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Some more info maybe, where you work or what you do, how often and if you commute and how, can you take it home and use it personally?
Would you benefit from a lighter laptop more than from a higher powered one with a much better display, speakers and more peripherals?
Take the MBP if possible. It might be your best laptop ever and will last you a loooong time.
I must assume this is a common experience, and very deliberately planned out by by Apple, but the max brightness levels on their mid-tier and budget products just don't cut it if you ever have to do any intensive work for many hours at a time.

I'd only go for an iPad Air or MacBook Air if it's for casual use, like browsing, watching movies, etc.

I'd even pick a MBP two generations older over a brand new Air just because of how low the brightness is on Air.

Conversely, I'd switch to iPad Air and MacBooks Air in a heartbeat if they just had the high-end, sufficiently bright displays that the Pro products have.

Get a MBP!
Definitely go for the pro. Much better screen and its very noticeable even if you don't really need it. 14inch feels surprisingly more spacious probably because of higher resolution. True no compromises laptop! Plus the pro has 512gb storage vs only 256. I think the weight difference is not that significant if you carry it in a backpack. Its only 300g extra.
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Wil you own the computer, or will it be linked to your employer?

If the former then I'd buy the Pro, and when the M4 Air comes out, maybe sell the Pro and buy the Air.
Personally speaking I’d go with the Pro due to pro-motion, better speakers and ports however I do love the Air’s design and weight so it depends on what’s more important to you.

I’ve had a tough time choosing over these and ultimately I’m sure you’ll be happy with whichever one you go with.
Would you guys choose a Macbook Pro over an Air if the price difference is only 100 bucks?

Thanks to a special tax-incentive at my employer (complicated, it’s a Belgian thing :) ) I can buy tech with an immense discount. The options I’m looking at are:

Macbook Air M3 13” (base model with the new 16GB ram) for 591€ (about 636 USD)
Macbook Pro M4, 14” (base model) for 679€ (about 731 USD)

The difference is only 95 bucks. What would you guys do? Always go for the Pro (better computer but bulkier, heavier) or is the Air a better option?

(and no, I know what you‘re thinking, but I won’t be buying both, that’s not allowed :) )
Take the Pro for the superior Display alone. That alone is totally worth the 95 bucks
The 14” MBPro feels like an absolute brick next to the 13” Air.
it’s marginally heavier sure but i wouldn’t call it a brick. it s light enough for travel and performancs is much, much better especially for anything using the gpu.

it will give you options to run software at speed that the air will not. i daily carry a 14” pro.
The ports are not that important to me. The main reasons I’m thinking about the Pro are the better screen, speakers & battery life. And I reckon it’s also a bit more future-proof because of the M4-chip, as compared to the M3 in the Air.

But I do like how thin the Air is. But the MBP is the better computer overall, I think…
If you deliver presentations, the HDMI port is a big plus, because you won’t need to remember an HDMI dongle for the projector.

But I think the main difference is lighter weight versus better screen quality. I have the Pro and I’ve carried it around the world, so the excess weight is not a problem. Heavier but by no means heavy.

I bought an OWC Thunderbolt 3 dock and I love it! At home, I just attach one cable and everything attaches! Monitor, disk drives, card reader, keyboard… it’s fantastic.
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I will pick pro any day, I travel a lot. Personally I prefer iPad Pro over air for portability.
Take the Pro.

It is in absolute values just 95€. If you had to choose between 2699€ and 2794€, it would be a no-brainer. Because you can get both that cheap, the relative difference is more significant.

Also: M4>M3 and the new Pro has a MUCH brighter display even for SDR content. Also more Ports, faster charging etc.
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I'd get a Pro over an Air for that price difference but my spouse would probably pick the Air, where portability is more important than overall performance. However, factor in the M4 versus the M3 and I'd say get the Pro for pure longevity. The size and weight difference isn't that big.
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