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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jan 14, 2005
visiting from downstream
Hi all,

I know no one will actually have an MBA (not such a good acronym) for a few weeks, but I am curious if anyone is aware of any sleeves or cases for the MBA, so that it can be carried around in a backpack without any chance of getting scratched or marred. Booq makes some very nice sleeves for MacBooks and MBPs, but nothing on their site yet for MBAs.

If you have any info about MBA sleeves/cases, please post it here!


macrumors 6502a
Oct 17, 2007
Camp Snoopy
Well, if putting iPods in socks (or even hollowed out Zunes) works as a theft deterrent (or a thief radar blocker), I'm sure a manila envelope would work as well. Who would ever suspect a manila envelope, anyway? As long as you don't write "TOP SECRET" on it...


macrumors regular
Jan 11, 2008
SF Bags is shipping their SleeveCases for MBA on January 25th. I have some of their stuff, including the sleeve, and it is greatttt.
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