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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 6, 2018
So, I'm experiencing the strangest issue. I recently upgraded my Macbook Air (2015) to Mojave. However, within a few seconds after reboot, the keyboard acts if it is stuck on the "fn" (function) setting. For example, the "delete" key will only forward delete, the left/right arrows make a webpage scroll up/down, the volume keys don't work, and I'm unable to highlight text in the browser window, or perform simple commands like "select all."

I've tried the following with no luck:
  • Reboot
  • PRAM Reset
  • SMC Reset
  • Reinstall Mojave Update
I'm currently running a Time Machine backup and plan to erase/reinstall the OS from the TM backup. If this doesn't work, I plan to try to erase and reinstall to factory settings. If all else fails, I suppose I'll head to the "genius bar."

One thing that has worked, albeit temporarily (for a few seconds at a time), is if I check/uncheck the "Enable Sticky Keys" setting in Accessibility. (see demo) This will restore the keyboard to its normal behavior, but then it reverts to the "fn" setting after a few seconds.

Anyone ever experience this? I thought a workaround might be to try to remove the "fn" setting completely, but couldn't find anything on how to do this in Mojave.

Any help is great! Thx


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 6, 2018
Quick update - tried erase/reinstall OS. Still no luck. I'm at a loss. Going to try to connect to another keyboard to see if I can rule out the Macbook keyboard vs. the system itself.


macrumors 68000
Jul 18, 2010
Did you ever solve this?

Did you try going to System Preferences; Keyboard; Keyboard tab, and UNCHECKING "Use F1, F2, etc. as standard function keys"? (Perhaps irrelevant to your sit, but worth trying.)

Or, perhaps something happened under the Shortcuts tab.

In any event, would be interested in hearing an update...
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