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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Dec 27, 2002
Alameda, CA
Has anyone pre-ordered a MacBook (not Pro) from Just wondering when Amazon is expected to start shipping them. As of tonight, the listings for all the MacBooks still say "Not yet released."

Little help?
I ordered mine as soon as they appeared on Amazon (about 48 hours after Apple released the MBs) and it's already shipped. Scheduled to arrive on May 31.
I ordered mine yesterday with overnight shipping (got it for a deal because of free amazon prime trial) and yet it still says shipping July 28th (HA!). I've heard reports that many people are getting theirs in, and that they tend to get a better chance of getting them with the upgraded (one or 2 day) shipping. I just couldn't pass up the $100 rebate. I hope it comes soon :(

Anyone else out there with orderes from amazon? post in the thread!
Flowbee said:
Has anyone pre-ordered a MacBook (not Pro) from Just wondering when Amazon is expected to start shipping them. As of tonight, the listings for all the MacBooks still say "Not yet released."

Little help?

Just start the order process.. It will tell you before you do the final confirmaion date possible ship date. It is usally not pushed up.

If you are in the US try other vendors with Rebates, since Amazon gets alot of orders from outside the US. They will be quicker, since not as many buyers.

Check above under Shop: for links
Maxwell Smart said:
I ordered mine yesterday with overnight shipping (got it for a deal because of free amazon prime trial) and yet it still says shipping July 28th (HA!). I've heard reports that many people are getting theirs in, and that they tend to get a better chance of getting them with the upgraded (one or 2 day) shipping. I just couldn't pass up the $100 rebate. I hope it comes soon :(

Anyone else out there with orderes from amazon? post in the thread!

Many other places give you rebates...Check Shop: Above for links.

I order mine on friday, and getting it thursday with no extra shipping cost. but i did get the printer and case but those are free after rebate.
I don't know anywhere besides amazon that gives you a $100 rebates with free shipping and no tax. Maybe you're seeing something that I am not?
Macmall offers the $100 rebate and you can talk them into giving you Applecare for $199 instead of the list price. I also got overnight shipping at half price but due to the holiday weekend it has been sitting a sorting center for 3 days.
Flowbee said:
Has anyone pre-ordered a MacBook (not Pro) from Just wondering when Amazon is expected to start shipping them. As of tonight, the listings for all the MacBooks still say "Not yet released."

Little help?

I clicked the order button late in the evening on May 24 for a new black MacBook on Amazon, and I was greeted with the lovely July date for an estimated delivery date. I figured I'd get it in a week or so, maybe longer with Memorial Day coming up, and this was based on what people had said about pre-ordering the MacBook Pro from Amazon.

And guess what? Late last Friday night (technically it was Saturday morning since it was 12:17 am in my time zone), I just happened to bop out and check my order, and sure enough, the estimated delivery date had been changed to June 1. So I guess that meant, allowing for the weekend and the holiday, it was going to ship out the next business day, which was Tuesday, May 30, and it was going to ship two day, so I'd get it on Thursday, June 1. (Amazon gave me free Prime shipping for three months. How sweet! Got to remember to cancel in three months! :D:mad: )

So, yes, Virginia, Amazon will get you your MacBook in a week or so, probably depending on when you order and how many orders they have queued up in front of you.

But the delay has given me the time to figure out how to create a bootable WinXP SP2 install disk from my Virtual PC 7 install CD set (which doesn't have a separate WinXP install CD) just using VPC and Ellen, my trusty 1gHz PowerBook G4. (I program Windows computers for a living. I won't have those things in my house--it's the principle of the thing! :D Believe it or not, I've never held a WinXP install disk in my hand. At work, we have other people who install OS's and software. We middle-aged programming nerds just program and go to meetings and read email! :D) I've also ordered a 120 gb hard drive from OWC and 2 gb of memory from the Chip Merchant. The hard drive is here, and the memory should get here June 1. Can't wait to rip that baby open! (Well, I guess I don't get to rip much open. How much fun is that? :( )

The best thing is...I've had time to think of the new MacBook's name: Menon. Get it? Hint: Say it fast. Menon as in "Men in." Men in Black! :D It was between Menon and Beauty (Black Beauty).

Guess I need to order me a compact flash card reader, but maybe I should just use the USB cable that came with the Nikon D70 SLR. I'll miss that PC card slot on the PowerBook. Guess it will be hard to find a portable solution to replace the slot that won't also suck lots of power or require an outlet. Hmmm...guess I'd better think about that some more...

La Vieja
Maxwell Smart said:
I don't know anywhere besides amazon that gives you a $100 rebates with free shipping and no tax. Maybe you're seeing something that I am not?

Click on the link above...

Macmall & MacConnection both offer $100 Rebates... I order mine on MacConnection Friday , will have it thursday.

You need to check if they are in stock, both have 800 so you can call. I will rather buy from a computer website then amazon.
lavieja said:
I clicked the order button late in the evening on May 24 for a new black MacBook on Amazon, and I was greeted with the lovely July date for an estimated delivery date. I figured I'd get it in a week or so, maybe longer with Memorial Day coming up, and this was based on what people had said about pre-ordering the MacBook Pro from Amazon.

And guess what? Late last Friday night (technically it was Saturday morning since it was 12:17 am in my time zone), I just happened to bop out and check my order, and sure enough, the estimated delivery date had been changed to June 1. So I guess that meant, allowing for the weekend and the holiday, it was going to ship out the next business day, which was Tuesday, May 30, and it was going to ship two day, so I'd get it on Thursday, June 1. (Amazon gave me free Prime shipping for three months. How sweet! Got to remember to cancel in three months! :D:mad: )

La Vieja


They up the Date! that never happened to me, but i always do the free shipping when using amazon.

Enjoy I will have mine on the 31th also :) 31 days in may!
Acehigh said:
Click on the link above...

Macmall & MacConnection both offer $100 Rebates... I order mine on MacConnection Friday , will have it thursday.

You need to check if they are in stock, both have 800 so you can call. I will rather buy from a computer website then amazon.

I just checked, and both MacMall and Macconnection only have $75 rebates, or is there other rebates that I am possibly missing? In any case, I already ordered with amazon, so I'm just hoping my order will get bumped like so many others.
Ordered a white 1.83 MacBook from Amazon on May 29 - received estimated delivery date of August 1. Yikes!

I sure hope this date is updated. 2 months is a really long time to wait for an order.
Benjamin Black said:
Ordered a white 1.83 MacBook from Amazon on May 29 - received estimated delivery date of August 1. Yikes!
I've read on some bargain-hunting sites that if you give Amazon an inquiring call, you might just see your ship date expedited. Also, if you're a Prime member, you tend to get priority over the general free shipping crowd.
thanks, could you post the link that you got that from? Oh, and i called amazon and they basically know nothing, he thought it would ship in July too though I know better, I really hope its this week though :-/
lavieja said:
I clicked the order button late in the evening on May 24 for a new black MacBook on Amazon, and I was greeted with the lovely July date for an estimated delivery date. I figured I'd get it in a week or so, maybe longer with Memorial Day coming up, and this was based on what people had said about pre-ordering the MacBook Pro from Amazon.

And guess what? Late last Friday night (technically it was Saturday morning since it was 12:17 am in my time zone), I just happened to bop out and check my order, and sure enough, the estimated delivery date had been changed to June 1. So I guess that meant, allowing for the weekend and the holiday, it was going to ship out the next business day, which was Tuesday, May 30, and it was going to ship two day, so I'd get it on Thursday, June 1. (Amazon gave me free Prime shipping for three months. How sweet! Got to remember to cancel in three months! :D:mad: )

La Vieja

The story gets better! I started panicking this morning (Tuesday) because my Amazon order STILL showed as IN PROGRESS, which it has since 12:17 am last Saturday morning!! I was freaking because last Christmas, I had an order "get stuck" in "in progress" status, and the stuff never got here in time, and stupid me saw "in progress" last Christmas, and figured, "Cool, it's got 15 days to get here. I'm fine!" NOT! The order was stuck in "in progress" status for something like 8 days for no reason. When I finally noticed the stuff hadn't got here, and I inquired, it got out of that status, but it was too late for it to get here.

So, as I said, I was panicking this morning, thinking I was back on that glitchy track again, so I sent an order inquiry, and those nice people at Amazon said I was a-okay AND gave me a $30 gift certificate for the delay in getting my order! That's just too wild! A delay caused by Apple? Well, maybe it was caused by Amazon. Who knows? In any case, I'm going to get the thing June 1 just like the "stuck" order said I would. Weird! But I already spent that $30! And with my free Amazon Prime, it'll be here Friday! :D

I don't know if you sending a polite inquiry about your delayed Amazon order (IF it's listed as "in progress" for several days) will net you $30, but it's worth a shot. Just thought I'd pass the tip along...

La Vieja
Just noticed, as of today the black MacBook "usually ships in 24 hours" from The $100 rebate is good for purchases through June 20th.
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