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macrumors 6502a
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Ok, I want the new MacBook, had one loved it but the mooing and things created a return fever.

Now the fever to buy again is back!

But there are rumors of the new chip coming soon!

The main question is heat!

Do I wait for the new chip hoping that there will be a heat reduction despite that there have been some rumors that there will perhaps a heat increase!

Or do I buy now hoping that all the issues are worked out.

My new MBP was finally fixed properly after 3 visit back to its home with Apple. but its still too hot really for constant typing and palm resting.

Replaced motherboard, and battery!

So a newer MacBook could be free of the irritants!

Any help is welcome!

Oh and one more thing!
Do the faster chip run otter in the MB's??

is a 2.0 hotter than a 1.8?
There's no guarantees merom will be in the MB. Most likely in the MBPs but not sure about the MBs
Buying a macbook is like a true gamble, at least it was for me anyway, bought two, both had issues and I returned both. I know people say some people just have really bad luck and like 80% of the stock is bug-free. Yeah, I believed that too, that's why I bought two. But I was sorely disappointed. Considering my experience I'm now in the boat of waiters. Wait for at least Revision B of the MacBook. Unless you really NEED a computer, in which case go for the gamble and hope for the best.

As people have said, the MBPs will most likely get Merom soon but nothing can be said about MBs. And really I'd think it's be a bad move on apple's part since the low-end is ridiculously close to the high-end portable right now with difference only in terms of better graphics capabilities. But then you gotta consider people saying that apple would be left behind in the computer market if they don't addopt Merom soon since Dell with Meroms are out already.

In any case, Buy it if you NEED it. If youre going for a macbook i'd say go for it now again if you NEED it desperately. MBP is getting revised soon so wait for that. Me, I'm waiting for the Merom MBP and buying it the day it comes out hopefully which will be soon.
My understanding is that Merom will not run any hotter than Yonah, but
there might be a slight difference in energy consumption.

I appreciate the extra features in the MBP, but with things changing so rapidly
over the next 2 years, I would at least think about getting a well equipped MacBook
and see what things look like in 2008.
Yeah sorry for ignoring, but according to recent reports Merom will run either slightly less hotter or dissipate the exact same amount of heat as the Yonah. This was a disappointment to many consumers and manufacturers alike since Intel had "claimed" that Merom will run significantly cooler than the Yonah.
i think that the real issue for me now if the new chip is going to create the same amount of heat, is , do the higher hertz create more heat?

does a 2.33 create more heat than a 1.8?

Are these chips overclocked?

Or underclocked?
Why not wait? Paris Expo is right around the corner...

As far as how much heat is made, we'll only know when they come out. They are, supposedly, supposed to run at the same temp. but are 20% faster.
why cant there be a Ultra Low Voltage 753 (1.20GHz, 2MB L2 Cache) Mac lappy?

Woulnt that be great?

saw one at the sony store and it was very cool!

but with this weird os called uhh win something
Grokgod said:
why cant there be a Ultra Low Voltage 753 (1.20GHz, 2MB L2 Cache) Mac lappy?

Isn't that processor a massive dog compared to Core Duo? I mean it's one core running at slightly more than half of the Core Duo clockspeed, not to mention it's one core of the previous iteration of technology. So wouldn't a Macbook be something like four times as fast as that in CPU-intensive tasks? Which would make that thing...erm... about on par with a late iBook G4 or PB G4 12"?
Well, I was using it and the os was really snappy!

And it was COLD to the touch, it was running a DVD all day and it was cold.

Perfect for typing scripts or doing college work etc.

I mean if you need more power shouldnt you get a macPro.

I think that there should be some Apple ultra portables like Sonys.

Cold to the touch, great word processors and dvd or music players.

Isnt that what most people use their machines for,
to do other work you could buy the Macbook or the pro etc.

I want a TRUE laptop!
On my LAP, cool to the touch for work that isnt processor intensive but for the daily grunt stuff.

Internet, music, dvd's and MOST important! Scriptwriting!

Gimme NOW my precious! Puhlease
LOL true that, true that. But I wouldn't count on seeing it with that processor. Who knows? Maybe. But much more likely with Penryn than that thing. (And of course XP was snappy. When XP came out, the state of the art was...what... a P-III 450 or something like that?)
If anyone out there knows where I can get some information to find out if the faster CPU's run hotter than the 1.83's or if its all the same?

please tell me!

I really want to know about that.

I mean are they all the same CPU's just clocked differently?

or overclocked? underclocked? tick tocked?
Grokgod said:
i think that the real issue for me now if the new chip is going to create the same amount of heat, is , do the higher hertz create more heat?

I really don't think its about the chip temperature since that is unavoidable. Its more about how the hardware design handles the heat. As it is now, both the MB/MBP15" don't handle the heat well but the 17" seems to have a better grip on the problem.

So while I could care less about the speed increase or 64bit capabilities, the possibility of an improved cooling is what makes me want to wait. That and the possibility that Apple will offer black for cheap-o's like me.
How many threads have been set up about these things??!?!?!?!?! Just buy it now. Merom will probably not be in the MB straight away as, yet again, the pro line will probably be pushed. As for the heat, there will be little reduction if any but no ne will really know until it is released.

Learn to use the search function :mad:
I agree with you.

Cooling is Number 1 in my mind at this point and not power in a laptop.

I have a MacPro for power! or at least it coming, sooner or later.

I want a real LapTop!

I agree that it could be the design since when i look at Winstinks machines that seem to run cooler.

But i thought that Apple was the design king?

Could it be all hype?

But then again I dont own any WinStink machines and who knows how they run under similar condition in my home?

But it does seem to me that some cpu's obvoiusly run hotter and perhaps hotter still when the speed is increased unless the cpu is fabricated for that speed and there isnt an overclocked effect happening which would cause the ship to run even hotter.

I think that the 17" has less heat because of more actual space for the chip to cool.

Now this would be an option except that I am looking for a portable and while the 17 is portable, its uhhh like not ultra portable or even comfortable for me to port.

Unless I grow many more feet then the 17 would seem small!;P
I think you can fry an egg on a MacBook but don't try cooking steak or chicken, it really won't get hot enough.
roland.g said:
I think you can fry an egg on a MacBook but don't try cooking steak or chicken, it really won't get hot enough.

Hmmm laptop cooked eggs :D Dont forget the bacon!
the macbooks aren't really that hot... sure their warmer than the painfully slow computers they replace, but my macbook now is only very slightly warm to the touch.

if you're really that retentive about heat, dry ice can cool your system pretty quickly.
Scarlet Fever said:
the macbooks aren't really that hot... sure their warmer than the painfully slow computers they replace, but my macbook now is only very slightly warm to the touch.

if you're really that retentive about heat, dry ice can cool your system pretty quickly.

Dry Ice could crack your logic board.
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