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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 31, 2005
now, i'm pretty confident that my macbook is not suffering from the now famous discolouration problems, but it is in fact just.. well, a little dirty. luckily it is only obvious under certain lighting conditions.

i've had a little sucess with hand wipes, you know, the kind you use on babies. though it is not 100% effective it helps somewhat- i never have a lot on hand though, i got my last couple after eating at a resturant ^^; i keep forgetting to buy larger packs.

but i'm curious, how do you guys keep your white macbooks (and ibooks would be relevent too) white, obviously the most extreme solution would be bleach.. but i don't really want to try that.

preferably (generic?) household cleaning items! i don't fancy sending off overseas for some expensive cleaning solution :)
I bought this keyboard cover cloth from radtech. Its really great for wiping the screen with. I definitely recommend it.
careful though. if used repeatedly on the keyboard, the surface of the fabric may be inundated with grease. You might smear it all over the screen.
I have iKlear. It comes with the spray and a cleaning cloth.

I think it's mostly meant for cleaning screens, but I use it to clean my palmrests too and it works well.
Some screen-cleaning goo (I can't think of the exact brand) and microfibre cleaning cloths.

I use separate cloths for screen and case cleaning.
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. These have profoundly outdone any other cleaning product I have tried. Don't use them on the glossy outside though. For the screen I use a 3M microfiber cloth lightly dampened with water.
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