hey i got a 2.0ghz white macbook about a week and a half ago, and up until now it was running great, without problems
but yesterday i was running a few apps like normal [limewire, firefox, adium] and my comp started getting reallly slow and laggy, and my istat pro widget suddenly disappeared when i installed bubble trouble widget.
so i decided to shut down my mac, give it a rest
and now i turned it on today to find ALL of my non-native apps and widgets [except limewire, firefox, photoshop, adium, app zapper, growl, strangely] simply gone. like, anything i saved, i.e account info, any app settings, plugins, scripts, downloads, all gone
how can 3700 songs disappear?
i know they have to be on my hd, memory left is still the same...
none of my system preferences settings have saved either,
all downloads such as firefox extentions nonexistent,
but all of my word docs/video files are perfectly fine.
anybody have any idea what happend to my mac?
is there anyway i can reverse this? [i'd hate to download everything again, it would mean a week's waste]
and how can i prevent something like this from happening again?
but yesterday i was running a few apps like normal [limewire, firefox, adium] and my comp started getting reallly slow and laggy, and my istat pro widget suddenly disappeared when i installed bubble trouble widget.
so i decided to shut down my mac, give it a rest
and now i turned it on today to find ALL of my non-native apps and widgets [except limewire, firefox, photoshop, adium, app zapper, growl, strangely] simply gone. like, anything i saved, i.e account info, any app settings, plugins, scripts, downloads, all gone
how can 3700 songs disappear?
i know they have to be on my hd, memory left is still the same...
none of my system preferences settings have saved either,
all downloads such as firefox extentions nonexistent,
but all of my word docs/video files are perfectly fine.
anybody have any idea what happend to my mac?
is there anyway i can reverse this? [i'd hate to download everything again, it would mean a week's waste]
and how can i prevent something like this from happening again?