I have been working latly and finally saved up enough money for a macbook, or a little less then a mac book pro. i really want to get one buy all my friends think i would be wasting my money. they dont think i need a laptop and should be saving my money for something else, like a car. i had a crappy windows laptop back in the day but the hard drive crashed and i could never get it fixed. i really want a macbook just so i can have something to take on vacation with me, or away to school or even just for school work.
I need some positive feedback, some one help me out here and let me know what you think i should do. that being go for the laptop. or just trash theidea and save my money.

I need some positive feedback, some one help me out here and let me know what you think i should do. that being go for the laptop. or just trash theidea and save my money.