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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 3, 2002
I just received my black Macbook today and everything is great except there is a pink tint to the display. I've calibrated numerous times to no avail. I've decided to send it back and order a replacement...just curious to know if anyone else is having this problem?
Have you tried it under different lighting sources? I know i thought the colors were off on my MB, but it was just the light coming through my Dale Tiffany lamp (stained glass). The color of the light made all of the brushed aluminum apps look a bit dark pink/red.

I hope your problem is just as simple.
Hmm, odd as it may sound, I think I have a similar situation. But more of a slight reddish, maybe pink. I can only tell, by looking at the metallic skin of a safari window. The silver looks a weeeee bit red.

Maybe I'm just weird?
Jschultz said:
Hmm, odd as it may sound, I think I have a similar situation. But more of a slight reddish, maybe pink. I can only tell, by looking at the metallic skin of a safari window. The silver looks a weeeee bit red.

Maybe I'm just weird?

No, that's what I have...safari skin has a magenta/pink hue. If you compare the same screen to my other three Macs, you can really see the difference. I also compared pics in iPhoto side by side-not extremely noticible in this respect except reds are a bit deeper, but whites have a slight magenta to them. It's not the lighting either.

There's a discussion about it on the Apple support boards:;jsessionid=aQUKoVzfWuz4bO2E1T?messageID=2354355&#2354355
Interesting...the magnenta hue is still present, but not quite as seems to fluctuate. I was in the middle of comparing photos side by side with my 20" iMac G5 and all of a sudden the color sort of corrected itself for the most part. Strange.
Does the display have a "break-in" period? I've already ordered a replacement and now I am wondering what to do. My Macbook is great in all other respects-no mooing, whining, heat does not appeat to be an issue. I can still see a slight tint of red in the Safari metallic skin...but the photos seem ok now (that was a big concern).
Very Odd. Yes! In comparison to my TiBook, this DOES have a pink tint. I'm noy sure if I should go back to CompUSA or go to Apple. Everything is set to neutral though. What to do?
Ok, I just re-calibrated, and it needed it big time! For some reason, this calibration (the 2nd time around) worked.

Why wouldn't it just be ok out of the box? Sheesh!
Jschultz said:
Why wouldn't it just be ok out of the box? Sheesh!
Because your computer and all parts inside are brand new. Like new shoes, LCD panels go through a "break in" phase as they warm up to normal operating conditions and complete the first few laps around the track, so to speak. Lots of people calibrate as soon as they get home, which is fine as long as they're willing to recalibrate about a week later, when it will actually matter.
Jschultz said:
Ok, I just re-calibrated, and it needed it big time! For some reason, this calibration (the 2nd time around) worked.

Why wouldn't it just be ok out of the box? Sheesh!

This is the first Mac I've gotten that isn't "ok out of the box". How long have you had your Macbook? I'm assuming that you used the expert calibration mode? Just curious, did you calibrate exactly the way it says to or go with your own intuitions?

I put my MacBook Pro next to my iMac and although they look like a pretty good match, if you look closely, you can see that the MBP has a tinge more yellow in the display. They all vary to some degree, I guess.

My new Macbook is at least improving but I've already ordered a replacement that should be here I'm not really sure if I should just keep this one-you barely notice it anymore unless you compare it to one of the other Macs in the household. This issue seems to be out there to a degree, just that a lot of folks haven't really noticed it yet.
Yeah I was going to sugest SuperCal.

I use it to calibrate the color of my machines everytime. It's the only way of getting an even colour throughout the mac display lineup.
PieMac said:
This is the first Mac I've gotten that isn't "ok out of the box". How long have you had your Macbook? I'm assuming that you used the expert calibration mode? Just curious, did you calibrate exactly the way it says to or go with your own intuitions?

I put my MacBook Pro next to my iMac and although they look like a pretty good match, if you look closely, you can see that the MBP has a tinge more yellow in the display. They all vary to some degree, I guess.

My new Macbook is at least improving but I've already ordered a replacement that should be here I'm not really sure if I should just keep this one-you barely notice it anymore unless you compare it to one of the other Macs in the household. This issue seems to be out there to a degree, just that a lot of folks haven't really noticed it yet.

I used the expert calibration, and followed the instructions I suppose it wouldn't hurt to be guided by intuitions though. I like my whites to be a cool, cool color though...almost blue. But that's how I end up calibrating all displays, even the LCD's and plasmas at my place of work too.

I guess like matticus says, I can look forward to another calibration soon. oh well.
MacRumorUser said:
Yeah I was going to sugest SuperCal.

I use it to calibrate the color of my machines everytime. It's the only way of getting an even colour throughout the mac display lineup.

I tried that program last night and I really didn't like the end result. Maybe I'll give it another try just to be sure that I didn't do anything wrong the first time.

The tint has lessened to such a degree now that I would never really notice it unless it was next to one of the other Macs. I'm thinking that I might just refuse delivery of the replacement and keep this one after all. I mean, so far there are no issues with heat, mooing, whines, internet connectivity, and no dead pixels which I would say is pretty good all in all. And now that the display seems to be working itself out...I've also read threads where the display was great to begin with, and then took on odd hues after several days of use, so.....
Sad fact is, these days it's nearly impossible to get a new computer without any issues to deal with to some degree.
You know, the difference seems to be so faint that I didn't notice it until comparing the safari silver with my PB. While I can definitely tell the difference on mine, I'm not sure I would describe it as being a magenta or pink hue. It's simply...more red I guess? :confused:

I'm going give it another few days to a week to see how it shapes up, as matticus008 suggested. After all, I've only had it for 3 days...After a week, if it still seems red-ish, I'm going to give SuperCal a try, per MacRumorUser's suggestion. :)
Just an update:

I decided to return my original Macbook (there were a couple of other issues as well, so that was that) and received the replacement yesterday. The screen looks better and brigher overall, but still has a faint pink tint, but not quite as noticeable. I am hoping that it will get a little better as the screen "settles". Also, the speakers are much louder on this one (thank goodness, I could barely hear the other ones). This replacement came from a completely different warehouse, so it's from a different batch of Macbook's all together which leads me to think that they may all have this tint...perhaps it's because of the glossy screen coating. Truly, I never would have noticed it if it weren't for the fact that I have three other Macs to compare it to. I would imagine that most people don't or won't even notice it.

So, I've decided to keep this one barring other things cropping up (I have thirty days from date of purchase to return of replace). Everything else is great so far.
7on said:
My display is slightly warm, but switching profiles I didn't like the cool colors.

Same here...tried calibrating, but in order to get the pink out, it winds up being too cool for my taste.
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