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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Apr 27, 2005
Hey guys was going to replace my HD in my MacBook when i couldnt remove the HD from the Enclosure casing that has the tab attached to. There are 4 black screws that have "star" shape screw. I've been on apple site and looked everywhere and i dont know what size i need for that. I tried a flat head that fit and was able to get two of them off but on the other side it wouldnt budge.. Any Help guys?
alrighty thanks, i would suggest everyone if they are going to do this go ahead and buy this. do not strip it with a flat head. I dont know why this hasnt been in discussion sooner considering apple nor and sources have had info on the size of these screws.
joshwest said:
alrighty thanks, i would suggest everyone if they are going to do this go ahead and buy this. do not strip it with a flat head. I dont know why this hasnt been in discussion sooner considering apple nor and sources have had info on the size of these screws.
Well it's odd considering how Apple's own service manuals have no mention whatsoever of screw removal for the hard drive...I have yet to remove the drive so I wouldn't be entirely sure, but..
I didnt have the proper screw driver so I thought I was screwed :) but I used a small plier and pried the screws loose. I guess I was lucky that the screws weren't on there too tight.
Shai-Nadir said:
I didnt have the proper screw driver so I thought I was screwed :) but I used a small plier and pried the screws loose. I guess I was lucky that the screws weren't on there too tight.

Not sure if you referring to the blanking plate, or the HD enclose housing, if your talking about the plate you're very lucky :cool:

I've just spent the last 30mins trying to unscrew those 3 screws :mad: . The two outer ones were fine, however the center one needed a blast of PlusGas 'Dismantling Lubricant' and a hell of a lot of force to free it.
Not suprising really as it had been thread locked :eek: - tell tale blue covering on the thread. So much for user replacable part, I really thought I was going to strip the head before it released.

At least at I can to the HD now! :)
kinesin said:
Not suprising really as it had been thread locked :eek: - tell tale blue covering on the thread.
Apple has used that blue threadlock on most if not all of their portables for some time, including on completely user-acessablel parts--the RAM installaton door on the AL PBs and my MBP, for example, all had that.

And while it does require the right size of screwdriver and a good twist, I never had that much trouble getting the screws off. I'm sure they use threadlock so the screws don't come jiggling loose unless the end-user messes with it--it is a portable, after all.

...and even then, I've seen a 12" PB that lost one of the screws that holds the case together just from several years of everyday use. Ironically the novice user who had it found the screw, but didn't realize it may have come from her computer so tossed it. When she asked about the hole in the case and I explaned the screw, she said "Oh, that's what that was..."
kinesin said:
Not sure if you referring to the blanking plate, or the HD enclose housing, if your talking about the plate you're very lucky :cool:

I've just spent the last 30mins trying to unscrew those 3 screws :mad: . The two outer ones were fine, however the center one needed a blast of PlusGas 'Dismantling Lubricant' and a hell of a lot of force to free it.
Not suprising really as it had been thread locked :eek: - tell tale blue covering on the thread. So much for user replacable part, I really thought I was going to strip the head before it released.

At least at I can to the HD now! :)

thats not thread lock, thats security paint so apple can tell that you replaced something internally. almost everyscrew that your not suppose to remove has it on it.
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