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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 29, 2004
I'm a college student, considering the purchase of a macbook sometime before school begins again (for me, in early September).

Some preliminaries:
- I've done lots of scouting around this and other "rumor" sites and, though I've seen lots of questions similar to mine, I haven't seen any questions which have been indentical, or responses which might adequately resolve it. I'll apologize in advance, though, if this has been asked before. (All the new and future releases seems to have caused the discussion on the various threads to become very scattered -- reading through some of them can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack.)
- On another preliminary note, I will only ever be using this notebook for typing, e-mail, web-surfing, iTunes, iPhotot, and watching the occasional DVD.
- I don't imagine I'll be in a position to upgrade whatever new notebook I get for a while now and, beyond that, I really like the idea of being able to hold onto a machine for at least three or four years -- I don't need the hassle of constant upgrades! In other words, it is my hope that this notebook will be one that lasts -- which leads me to my question...

I've run into a lot of talk and wildly divergent speculation about the character and worth of Yonahs, the coming of Meroms, and what Leopard and OSs beyond might desire from one's processor.

Now, like I say, I don't imagine I'll be using this laptop for anything too intensive. However, it is nice to change things up every now and then -- I imagine I would like to be able to upgrade the OS up through, say, 10.7. As such, I would really like any notebook I purchased to be as "future-proofed" as possible in this regard. (I really look forward to being able to run Leopard with the rumors of a new finder running around...)

So, if Leopard and future OSs are going to be 64bit, should I worry about getting a Macbook with its current specs? I've run into lots of talk that the Yonah is just a 32bit "stopgap," as it were, filling time before the wide release and implementation of 64bit chips and OSs. Does this mean Yonah will barely run Leopard and later OSs (I'd hate to run it crippled...)? When major apps add 64bit support, will I be cut-off from upgrading iLife because I have a Yonah chip? I worry especially that there may be a chance that the Macbook will be upgraded on or around September in a way that would significantly improve their ability to run 64bit OSs. If all a Merom adds is a 10% speed boost, I could care less -- but if not having a Merom (or later) chip in my notebook means my notebook will hit a 64bit OS/app wall with Leopard--much sooner than a notebook with a Merom would hit such a wall--then I'd prefer to wait to purchase a notebook, even into the school year.

I understand that my question may simply be unintelligible, on account of my lack of knowledge regarding computers -- i.e., Consumer laptops, maxing out at 2GB ram, might be able to take advantage of 64Bit OSs at all, or the software I'm concerned to use will work fine, etc.
However, any learned advice I can get would be greatly appreciated.

Nope - the Macbook and Macbook Pro will easily handle anything that the next four years can throw at them.

Apple, in the next four years, will probably release three OS updates - 10.5, 10.6, 10.7 - all three of these will probably support PPC products (at least the latest Power PC G4 and G5 products), and so will definitely support your Intel laptop.

Microsoft, on the other hand, will release either 1 (Vista) or 2 (Vista and Vienna) OSes in the next four years - they too will both run just fine on your computer.

If you buy a macbook now, I'm sure it will be very very fast for all of your tasks. And your computer won't slow down much over the course of time, so I imagine that in four years the macbook now will still be fast... just not relative to what else is out there.

As far as the 64 bit thing goes, I am not an expert there, so I don't know. But I know that Apple does a good job of keeping there OS usable on as old of computers as possible. You can still run OSX on a G3, so I wouldn't worry about the OS getting away from you.

You may want to wait until Sept. before buying, since you don't NEED one now, but after that you would be best off buying whatever macbook is out then. I'm sure it will last years. :)
Hey everyone,

Thanks for the quick replies! That's certainly a load off... again, I appreciate the advice and, unless others have something to add, will probably just end up getting the Macbook in early August.

Take care.
Another voice agrees that the MacBook will easily handle the next four years of Windows and OS X for your described needs.
Merom and .....

I am one interested in a MBP 17", but am turned off much by the quality issues.

Having said that, I will buy a 15"MBP for my wife, see how it works and get used to MAC, then I wait for the 17"MBP with Merom and 800Mhz frontside bus in 2007...
once that machine is in the shelves, it shoud be a fantastic piece of equipment. As it looks, it might even be possible to have 4MB of Ram installed.
Anyone like to comment, as I am only a user. 15 years of WinDOOF is enough. Still I like to compliment TOSHIBA and IBM on their hardware, which worked and worked from the start without ANY problems.

64-bit overrated

IMO, 64-bit is overated. Sure it's nice, but there have been alot of hiccups along the way. From what i can gauge from the people i have talked to, that you will be ok down the road. OS X runs on alot of older systems, so there is no reason that they will stop that trend, unlike M$ with vista that can't run on nothing but the high end machines now.

In any case, i have been pondering this same question. I was going to take the plundge. I don't think they will put the new merom chips into the macbooks till sometime next year. I think this because currently the distinction between the MB and the MBP is pretty much the screen size and the descrete video. IMO that's not worth 600$ for the same sort of thing.

The last note, there have been alot of sales of these Intel macs over the last six months, it would be a very very very bad move to alienate the user base by switching to 64 bit in the comming years. Also, businesses using both PC and Mac based have under gone upgrade phase of PC systems currently. And when things go to 64-bit it will take a while. The standard is 32-bit and it will be for a while. Switching to 64-bit will be very costly and businesses don't have the money right now. They don't have money to do the things they need to do. For crying outloud, i was woking for a place that still used a 486 as a POS that was horrendous, yet they still used it. Remember tape back ups? yup it used that too.

So all in all, there will be a migration, but i beilive that it will take alot longer than from 16-bit to 32-bit. All of us should be safe for the time being.
Ha ha! I DON'T remember tape backups! Before my time, I guess. :p ;)
Tapes are still used as a large scale data storage. But probably not together with a 486.
OS X 10.4 is already a 64bit system but is fully compatible with 32bit systems. Futues OS X releases will be like that as well.
You won't regret your decision... it will definitely last you 4 years with as many upgrades as you want.
Along the same lines as the OP, does everyone reckon that a souped up Macbook (2 gig RAM, 7,200rpm hard drive) will be able to run whatever new versions of Photoshop/Aperture/iLife that come out in the next four years?
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