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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 15, 2023
Hi guys!

I currently own a Macbook Pro M1 Pro 10 CPU 16 GPU and 16 GB RAM. I'm a filmmaker/video editor and as until a while this 16 GB ram was okay now I'm experiencing a slowdown, if I give a lot of effects it just lags and slows down my work, it just pisses me off because I don't have smooth performance and I would like to do a lot of stuff in Adobe After Effects and on my Macbook I don't have smooth playback on 4k video and I work mostly in 4k, I shoot on Sony a7sIII myself.

I saw an offer for an almost new one because it has 5 cycles Macbook M1 MAX 64 GB RAM 32 GPU and I thought it would make me work faster and more efficient. I would sell mine, add money and have a maxed out one. Only here is the problem, I keep seeing that in March or April, a new Macbook M2 MAX will come out. I have seen articles that supposedly even the end of January, then suddenly in June, because delays. It is known, there is nothing to believe all this, BUT. It's not that I have to have it already, admittedly, it lags and slows down a bit for me, RAM is usually used up and swaps a lot.

I honestly don't know what to do, that's why I'm asking you guys. What would you guys do if you were me? Take the M1 MAX now, or wait until the M2 MAX comes out?

Thanks in advance for any answers.


macrumors 6502
May 5, 2020
Depends on how good a deal it is, I guess. At this point I'd wait personally. The M2 Pro/Max will presumably come with beefed up memory configurations like the MBA. lpddr5x as well.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 15, 2023
Depends on how good a deal it is, I guess. At this point I'd wait personally. The M2 Pro/Max will presumably come with beefed up memory configurations like the MBA. lpddr5x as well.
I live in Poland, so let me illustrate it for you in dollars. The new maxed out M1 MAX here costs like 4800 dollars. The offer I found is like 4000 dollars. So, like 800 dollars less than completely "new one".


macrumors 6502
May 5, 2020
I live in Poland, so let me illustrate it for you in dollars. The new maxed out M1 MAX here costs like 4800 dollars. The offer I found is like 4000 dollars. So, like 800 dollars less than completely "new one".
I’d say it’s a good deal. Just consider if you won’t feel regret in a couple months ;P

FWIW I have the same MBP personally (M1 Max 64GB) and I’m not planning on upgrading.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2021
If you need a new computer now then buy one now.

There will always be something "better" coming down the pipe. Get rid of that anxiety and buy what you need and is available today. Seeing as it is used I would see if the seller would let you try out installing a test file and seeing if it runs as you expect it to run.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 18, 2020
You already have a M1 laptop, you can wait a little bit, no need to buy another M1, a 2 years old tech.

M2 Pro/Max Macbooks should by out anytime between January and march.
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macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I would not wait, but by now. If you have a need that's more immediate then you'll be better off.

wait until the M2 MAX comes out?
There's plenty of rumors swirling that the M2 based Macs (other then the MBA) is being delayed, perhaps waiting for the M3 since the M2 is only a minor update performance.


macrumors 65816
Oct 28, 2008
If you have a need NOW for more performance which do seem too then buy NOW.

if getting frustrated waiting for tasks then isn’t really a “I can wait” situation. It isn’t it is slow but I can work with it When getting frustrated.

there is always going to be something new coming along however m1 to m2 has not been a big jump so don’t expect that the Max will be either.

nobody really too sure when M2 Pro/Max will be arriving and whilst waiting how much work time you losing.


macrumors 601
May 18, 2015
I'd also buy now with your suggested config. It'll help your work now and you can't bank on anything being released soon. We just don't know and Apple isn't talking.


Dec 17, 2015
Red Springs, NC
Sell your M1 now and buy the M1 Max.

When the M2 Max comes out you can always sell the M1 Max to help pay for that.

You really don't lose anything that way.

The longer you wait, the less the M1 you already have will be worth when you sell it.

You pretty much lose value on that every day, and the price tend to drop quite a bit if you wait till new Macs come out.


macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2021
Lancashire UK
Why not buy a Studio Max and a third-party monitor instead?
I don't get why so many people whose use-cases would seem to value performance and flexibility above portability still seem to gravitate to a laptop when a desktop solution exists.
I do music, not video, and even I wouldn't swap my Studio Max + Samsung 28" monitor for a 16" monitor fixed to a computer that's more expensive and slower.


macrumors P6
Jul 4, 2007
Atlanta, GA
If upgrading is only going to fix an annoyance instead of making you more profitable then you are better off waiting.

Of course it may be fall before the new computers are out.
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macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Since you already have the M1Pro, my recommendation is to "hold on" a while longer and wait for the upcoming new release.

I'm thinking the updated M2x CPUs could actually benefit someone in your line of work.
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Love-hate 🍏 relationship

macrumors 68040
Sep 19, 2021
you live in the US ? wait

you live in the EU (or other countries) ? hurry up and get a m1 before prices rise , it will hurt

EDIT: maybe make a reservation , and wait for the mbp announcement tomorrow
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