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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 10, 2006
Hi, I'm a bit new around here... I switched to apple last september with a G3 iBook, quickly upgraded to a G4 iBook. Now I have a Macbook.

My white MB 1.83 currently has 1gb of ram. I was just wondering what you guys think about the difference in performance between 1gb and say 1.5 or 2gb... which will give the most noticeable system boost? is there little noiceable difference in general system performance with basics like itunes, safari and mail running between 1 and 2gb?

Sorry to ask what will seem obvious questions, no noubt, to most of you. I am aware that the integrated graphics are supposed to perform better with matched pairs, but is this a serious thing or not much of a problem?

Thanks for listening!
Just upgraded our Macbook Pro from 1GB to 2GB
Just upgraded my Macbook from 512MB to 1GB

Do I notice any difference? Not really I have to say. Quite disappointing. The Macbook boots a little faster now. I guess Leopard will be more memory hungry so in the long run it will be a good investment.

Thanks guys, I thought as much i.e. that my usual activites wouldn't improve that much. I'll definitely max it out when Leopard arrives. Thanks for the advice.

Any ideas about the graphics- will unmatched pairs ause problems for dvd, online streams etc? Currently watching the tennis on BBC in practically perfect clarity, so I don't want to mess with that!
erikamsterdam said:
Just upgraded our Macbook Pro from 1GB to 2GB
Just upgraded my Macbook from 512MB to 1GB

Do I notice any difference? Not really I have to say. Quite disappointing. The Macbook boots a little faster now. I guess Leopard will be more memory hungry so in the long run it will be a good investment.

i installed 2gb of ram - bootime was 24s
with 512 ram bootime was 25.7s

When I doubled the RAM in my Power Mac G5 from 1GB to 2GB I felt that it made my Mac faster/snappier. I also found my MacBook Pro to be faster when I went from 512MB of RAM to 1.5GB. So, I would recommend that you max out the RAM in your MacBook to 2GB (or even 1.5GB). :)

And yes, matched RAM would be recommended if possible. :)
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