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macrumors newbie
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Sep 3, 2006
Hey guys im a graphic designer and have been told by the apple store here in london that a macbook does not run Adobe Illustrator- i have been told that it does by friends? Im confused and dont trust the attitude-riddles apple floor-staff! I initially wnated a macbook due to its small size and weight- and as i am only doing vector based design and photoshop thought it would be fine...

Can anyone help me decide betwwen the mac book and pro?
Macbook Pro is a nicer machine, and with the additional graphics support it would probably be a better choice for you. The 15 inch MBP, in my opinion, is a GREAT size for a portable. yes, the Macbook is obviously smaller, but the MBP is by no means unwieldy.

If Adobe Illustrator runs on a Macbook Pro, it should run on a Macbook. I don't know the system requirements for Illustrator though, so I could be wrong.
miles01110 said:
Macbook Pro is a nicer machine, and with the additional graphics support it would probably be a better choice for you. The 15 inch MBP, in my opinion, is a GREAT size for a portable. yes, the Macbook is obviously smaller, but the MBP is by no means unwieldy.

If Adobe Illustrator runs on a Macbook Pro, it should run on a Macbook. I don't know the system requirements for Illustrator though, so I could be wrong.

I can't imagine for a second that Illustrator wouldn't run on the MacBook.

However, you may well make use of the extra screen real-estate and resolution of the 15" screen of the MacBook Pro, especially for graphics work. Also, although the MBP is larger than the MacBook, it seems... well, svelter. I'm not sure if it's actually thinner, but it's certainly plenty portable.
I don't see why Illustrator wouldn't run on MacBook, especially if it does run a MacBook Pro. It won't see any advantages from the video in the MacBook Pro.
hey! :) im a graphic designer in the same boat as you thinking of getting a macbook pro. i just wanted to share my thoughts with you.

there are a couple of differences between the MB and the MBP that make the MBP a batter buy, but hardly any reason why illustrator wouldnt work on a MB!

while the 15" screen is better than the 13" MB's this isnt a real issue if you go with a nice external display. then again, if this is a portable, then you cant draga display with you everywhere! MB: 0 MBP:1

while the MB has a descent video card that will run everything, since illustrator is vector based, and vectors is all about number crunching- the better video card in the MBP is just that BETTER. so while illustrator may run on the MB, itll run better on the MBP, and ohh you can completley forget about gaming or descent speed video editing with the MB. MB:0 MBP:2

PRO. this may not be the best reason to get the MBP, but its still a valid one. You look like more of a professional with the silver MBP, rather than the MB which just screams "college kid!" -not that theres anything wrong with that! ;)

iconboy said:
while the MB has a descent video card that will run everything, since illustrator is vector based, and vectors is all about number crunching- the better video card in the MBP is just that BETTER. so while illustrator may run on the MB, itll run better on the MBP, and ohh you can completley forget about gaming or descent speed video editing with the MB. MB:0 MBP:2

While I understand the confusion by the word graphics, but many graphics apps like Illustrator and Photoshop don't actually do much with the GPU.
go with the pro and don't look back. simply put, it's a nicer machine in terms of specs and design.
Brandon Sharitt said:
While I understand the confusion by the word graphics, but many graphics apps like Illustrator and Photoshop don't actually do much with the GPU.

Agreed. But could the shared-memory architecture impact performance even without the application being GPU intensive? Just a thought :)
displaced said:
Agreed. But could the shared-memory architecture impact performance even without the application being GPU intensive? Just a thought :)

True but an extra 64MB isn't a huge hit on memory, especially if you have at least a gig.
Adobe CS2 needs 2GB RAM to counteract Rosettas RAM hunger while running
Adobe PPC applications on the Intel machines.

Once CS3 is released, it should fly like the wind on either Machine.

Since color accuracy is probably a priority, you'll need to be careful deciding
between the matte and gloosy MacBook Pro displays.
thanks for all your advice

you may think me an idiot but think ill get the souped up mac book when the core duo 2 comes out (hopefiully on tuesday sept 12)- i can put up with a slower machine until cs3 comes out.

i prefer the smaller sleaker black macbook to the old looking silver MBPro which looks 5 years old to me!

ill never use video editing or anything like that so will follow my gut instibct to get the cheaper better looking model!

Thanks again for your help!
I'm a Graphic Designer and I chose Macbook. It's at least 4x faster than my 1Ghz G4 that I was doing things on.
congatulations, for your needs i thnk a macbook will be fine, adobe's image editors dont use the gpu as many video editing apps, and apples aperature do. I would recommend getting 2 gig or ram though and maybe a faster hard drive, those 5400's are getting outdated to faster 7200's. Again congrats, i have a mac book and use it for photoshop and illustrator. It runs a little slow, but once cs3 is released itll fly.
iconboy said:
hey! :) im a graphic designer in the same boat as you thinking of getting a macbook pro. i just wanted to share my thoughts with you.

there are a couple of differences between the MB and the MBP that make the MBP a batter buy, but hardly any reason why illustrator wouldnt work on a MB!

while the 15" screen is better than the 13" MB's this isnt a real issue if you go with a nice external display. then again, if this is a portable, then you cant draga display with you everywhere! MB: 0 MBP:1

while the MB has a descent video card that will run everything, since illustrator is vector based, and vectors is all about number crunching- the better video card in the MBP is just that BETTER. so while illustrator may run on the MB, itll run better on the MBP, and ohh you can completley forget about gaming or descent speed video editing with the MB. MB:0 MBP:2

PRO. this may not be the best reason to get the MBP, but its still a valid one. You look like more of a professional with the silver MBP, rather than the MB which just screams "college kid!" -not that theres anything wrong with that! ;)


Your comparison/scoring system here seems a little "rigged" towards the

You can easily replace the HD on the MacBook. MB:1 MBP:3

The MB is easier to carry around. MB:2 MBP:3

The MB doesn't dent as easily if you drop it or drop something on it. MB:3 MBP: 3

See what I mean?
ITASOR said:
You can easily replace the HD on the MacBook. MB:1 MBP:3

The Macbook Pro ships with a larger hard drive.

The MB is easier to carry around. MB:2 MBP:3

The MBP has a larger screen.

The MB doesn't dent as easily if you drop it or drop something on it. MB:3 MBP: 3

This is a very subjective comment. Both the MBP and the MB dent, and each is more prone to denting or case defects in different areas. No clear advantage here at best.
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