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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 26, 2015
West Sussex, England
I have a 13” MacBook Pro 2015 and have looked after it extremely well. It is in immaculate condition. I have never had any issues with it but occasionally over the past few months I have noticed some strange behaviour as the battery starts to get low, usually around 10% or so remaining. Whereas I used to get a warning that the battery was getting low at around 5% and to plug in the charger, the screen now suddenly goes off without warning and sometimes that is it but on other occasions it briefly comes back on before dying.

There is no sign of the battery swelling and overall the battery life on it is still excellent. I tried a SMC reset a little while ago but it is still happening. I don’t recall it happening before I upgraded to Mojave.

Has anyone else experienced this and/or have any suggestions? I can live with it, but if I can fix it I’d be happier.
Install Coconut Battery and get a reading on the health. It sounds like the battery is degrading and due for replacement.
If Coconut Battery (as mentioned by Howard above) shows a badly deprecated battery (I'd say, below 70% of full capacity), you might consider having Apple replace it.

The cost here (USA) is $199, which is supposed to include parts and labor.
Not overly expensive to get a new battery...
Thanks Howard2k and Fishrrman. Will do. I think my battery shows 300-odd charges and it is only towards the end when the strange behaviour begins, but I'll install Coconut Battery and report back.
I have had a little flakiness on my 2014 in the past. A few times it showed 90% and then just died. I put it on the charger and it showed 40%. Hasn't happened in a few months so I just chalked it up to gremlins.
I've downloaded Coconut Battery and did the check as per screenshot below. All appears 'Good'. Perhaps just a gremlin in the system? Is it worth doing an NVRAM reset? I've never done that.

Coconut Battery Check - 18.04.19.jpg
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