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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 17, 2018
Gdańsk, Poland
Hi Guys,

I found something strange on my MBP 2017 with 13 inch screen.

When I press any button on keyboard then a cannot deep click on left and right ends of touchpad (I marked this areas on photo), when I do not click or relase finger from button on keyboard then I can click on the marked ends deeply again. In another places, for example on the middle it works fine.

Is it normal? Why touchpad is blocked it this places when holding any button on keyboard? Once I release my finger and there is no finger on any button the marked ends works without any problems.

Please clarify it to me :)

Photo below:

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macrumors member
Jan 18, 2017
Probably related to deadzone detection...

Hopefully others will collaborate more


macrumors 68020
Feb 21, 2011
Yes it is the same for me on my 2017 15", Not something I noticed before or I don't think it is an issue that will cause me any problems.

Press any key on the keyboard then try to force click the touch pad in the area in red.

It must be something to do with palm rejection and typing which makes sense because my palms are very close to the this area as I am typing.
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macrumors 65816
May 9, 2017
Austin, TX
Yes it is the same for me on my 2017 15", Not something I noticed before or I don't think it is an issue that will cause me any problems.

Press any key on the keyboard then try to force click the touch pad in the area in red.

It must be something to do with palm rejection and typing which makes sense because my palms are very close to the this area as I am typing.
I would agree, I believe this has to do with palm rejection as well. My 2017 MBP wTB does the same thing. If you press a key down and try to click on the right 10% or left 10% of the trackpad it does not respond. Take your finger off the key that part of the trackpad turns back on.

Pretty ingenious software/hardware design in my opinion.
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