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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 19, 2017
North Germany
Hi crews,

A friend of mine asked me to look into his dead MBP because the official Apple Dealers here in Germany refuse to repair it. It's said to be legacy.

It had the well-known "swollen battery issue" that destroyed the trackpad.

I replaced the swollen battery and carefully cleaned up the computer (there was a lot of dust inside). A quick visual inspection didn't reveal any damages except the broken trackpad.

The problem is that the computer doesn't turn on.

I tried the following steps:

  • SMC reset (disconnect the power cable, remove the battery, hold on the power button for 20 seconds). Then press the power button. No signs of life.
  • disconnect the display, the keyboard, the HDD and try to short the power pads. The fan doesn't move.
The battery charger does work as expected. When I press the battery test button, all eight LEDs turn on showing the full battery load.

I would like to try to diagnose that logic board failure before I'll give up. I've picked the proper board view and schematics.

My first bet was to check the fuses. But because the battery charger (U7000) works as expected I assume that the main fuse (F6905) and the charger fuse (F7040) are good. MagSafe adapter isn't the problem either - I even tried another one just for sure.

I'm afraid that the power control circuitry has been somehow damaged by the swollen battery.

I would appreciate any advice on how to proceed.

Thank you!

Model: MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo 2,4/2,66 MHz 13'' Mid-2010
EMC Number: 2351
Logic Board: looks like "820-2879-B" but the Dc-In board says "820-2565-A". No clue why.
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