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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 27, 2019
Hello everyone!

Please share some experience of using the display of macbook pro after removing the anti glare coating... is the problem with glares an issue? Is it possible to use the display without it outside? In direct sunlight?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 27, 2019
Why would you want to do this?

Well... Some people say that the program for replacing the displays with staingate problem is over and that is the only choice to fix the problem, to completely remove the anti anti glare coating. So they say that the best solution is Listerine. It gently removes the whole coating very quickly. But my question is how much worse will be the display without this coating.
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macrumors newbie
Dec 26, 2008
Los Altos, CA
GUARANTEED FIX! No need to take your MacBook in to the shop and be without it.

Use BRASSO. It's available in just about every hardware store including Home Depot.

Brasso is a very fine (not as in better than good) rubbing compound that will not leave a trace (not scratches) on glass, plastic etc and will TOTALLy remove the Anti-Reflective Coating, leaving your screen perfectly clear. No more coating but hey, what do you prefer? 5-7 in the shop? Or 20 minutes of rubbing - yes it takes a little elbow grease but it works!!!


macrumors newbie
Dec 26, 2008
Los Altos, CA
I find using the MacBook Pro without the anti-glare coating not big deal. The pain of being without my computer for a day, let alone 5-7 days much worse.


macrumors 65816
Jul 12, 2009
Why would you want to do this?

After a few years it looks bad, some areas have coating, some do not.


Choices are:
(1) live with it (cheapest, easiest, but looks bad (subjective but generally agreed upon))
(2) replace screen (expensive)
(3) remove all coating (thread question)


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2017
After a few years it looks bad, some areas have coating, some do not.

View attachment 855719

Choices are:
(1) live with it (cheapest, easiest, but looks bad (subjective but generally agreed upon))
(2) replace screen (expensive)
(3) remove all coating (thread question)

even if you remove all coating, it still will be bad looking screen
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