Hi, this Christmas I have plans of getting a MBP for school. I had chosen the MPB 13, but after seeing it in real life I was a bit disappointed with it's size. I didnt think it will look this small. After talking with some friends they thought it's kinda small too and that I should consider getting the 15 inch model. Well the problem is that it is too expensive for me. I found it for 2000 dollars on BestBuy, but considering I could get a 13 inch for about 1500 I did not think it's a good deal. It is also way above my budget. I watched some videos and found out that the 13 inch has a lot better battery performance, which is a big factor for me, because I am mostly outside and I need the battery to last me all day. I will use the laptop for programming, browsing the web, watching videos, writing documents and very light gaming, something like league of legends, minecraft, I know that the 13 inch can handle it. Also my backpack has a laptop pocket which is specifically designed to fit the MBP 13. The only thing that pushes me to the bigger model is it's screen size. I have 27 inch monitor at home and I dont know if can get used to a 13 inch laptop screen. Which one should I get?