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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 22, 2017
I got my Mac about a month ago and I haven't had any issues with it. Recently I've been shutting down my Mac more frequently only to notice that upon login, my Mac will show the loading bar and once halfway, flicker and become a black screen with the loading bar in the center.

I've contacted apple support via. Twitter which didn't help at all.

If you have a solution, please share!


macrumors 68020
Jan 23, 2017
Are you running any external displays with the system?

You can try the basic troubleshooting, such as resetting the PRAM & SMC, booting into safe mode (hold shift at startup), running Apple diagnostics (hold D at startup), and reinstalling OS X (hold CMD + R at startup.)

If this is a hardware issue, you will need service from Apple or an Authorized Service Provider. It can be useful to have a video of the malfunction, in the event that the technician is unable to easily reproduce the problem at the time of diagnostics. This video could also be uploaded to YT and shown to Apple support.
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